
PhD Programs

[02.00.04] Physical chemistry

Areas of Training: Physical chemistry

[05.11.07] Optical and opto-electronic devices and complexes

Areas of Training: Optical and opto-electronic devices and complexes

[05.17.06] Technology and processing of polymers and composites

Areas of Training: Technology and processing of polymers and composites

[01.04.05] Optics

Areas of Training: Adaptive and nonlinear optics; bionanotechnology; molecular crystals; Biopolymers; nanocomposites; nonlinear optical molecular crystals; volumetric holograms in polymeric materials; optical lithography; polymeric materials

[01.04.07] Condensed matter physics

Areas of Training: Dendrimers; molecular dynamic modeling of lysine dendrimers

[05.11.01] Devices and methods of measurement (by type of measurement)

Areas of Training: Integrated analyzer systems; physical chemistry; Metrology; physical and technical measurements; physical chemistry, etc