Исследование композиционных материалов на основе биополимеров для перспективных медицинских приложений
- 465. Zhevaikin K.E., Fokina M.I., Denisyuk I.Y. Refractometric Parameters of Nonlinear Optical Molecular Cocrystals Based on the Aminopyridine Series // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 124, No. 2, pp. 227-229 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 464. Zhevaikin K.E., Denisyuk I.Y., Fokina M.I., Sitnikova V.E. Influence of Processes of Photobleaching on Spectral Characteristics of Organic Nonlinear Optical Co-crystal 26DAP4N // PHOTOPTICS 2019 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology - 2019, pp. 220-224
подробнее >> - 463. Burunkova J.A., Molnar S., Sitnikova V.E., Shaimadiyeva D., Alkhalil G., Bohdan R., Bako J., Kolotaev F.S., Bonyar A., Kokenyesi S. Polymer–chalcogenide glass nanocomposites for amplitude–phase modulated optical relief recording // Journal of Materials Science - 2019, Vol. 30, No. 10, pp. 9742–9750 [IF: 2.599, SJR: 0.781]
подробнее >> - 462. Penkova A.V., Acquah S., Piotrovskiy L.B., Markelov D.A., Semisalova A.S., Kroto H.W. Fullerene derivatives as nano-additives in polymer composites // Russian Chemical Reviews - 2017, Vol. 86, No. 6, pp. 530-566 [IF: 4.058, SJR: 0.89]
подробнее >> - 461. Sokolova M.P., Smirnov M.A., Kasatkin I.A., Dmitriev I.Y., Saprykina N.N., Toikka А.М., Lahderanta E., Elyashevich G.K. Interaction of Polyaniline with Surface of Carbon Steel // International Journal of Polymer Science - 2017, pp. 6904862 [IF: 1.077, SJR: 0.541]
подробнее >> - 460. Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Dendritic polyelectrolyte brushes // Polymer Science - Series C - 2017, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 106-118 [IF: 2.556, SJR: 0.295]
подробнее >> - 459. Glazacheva E.N., Uspenskaya M., Strelnikova I. Bentonite Acrylic Copolymers Modified As Effective Oil Absorbents // WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment - 2015, Vol. 196, pp. 529-535 [SJR: 0.176]
подробнее >> - 458. Borisova O.V., Billon L., Cernochova Z., Lapp A., Stepanek P., Borisov O.V. Effect of temperature on self-assembly of amphiphilic block-gradient copolymers of styrene and acrylic acid // Macromolecular Symposia - 2015, Vol. 348, No. 1, pp. 25-32 [SJR: 0.215]
подробнее >> - 457. Abramova N., Bratov A.V. Title Monitoring Protamine-Heparin Interactions Using Microcapillary Impedimetric Sensor // Electroanalysis - 2015, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 663-669 [IF: 2.851, SJR: 0.466]
подробнее >> - 456. Domostroev A.V., Dem'Yanov A.A., Klim O.V., Yudchenko D.A. Comparative Studies of Continuous Vibrational Petroleum Viscosimeters // Measurement Techniques - 2013, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 337-343 [IF: 0.29, SJR: 0.252]
подробнее >> - 455. Ashina I.S., Kirsanov D., Moreau M., Koverga V.A., Mikhelson K.N., Ruckebusch C., Legin A.V. Raman transduction for polymeric ion-selective sensor membranes: Proof of concept study // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 253, pp. 697-702 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 454. Ramya L.N., Gautham N., Chaloin L., Kajava A.V. Restricted mobility of side chains on concave surfaces of solenoid proteins may impart heightened potential for intermolecular interactions // Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics - 2015, Vol. 83, No. 9, pp. 1654-1664 [IF: 2.289, SJR: 1.086]
подробнее >> - 453. Zuev V.V. Polyamide 12/ Fullerene C60 Composites: Investigation on Their Mechanical and Dielectric Properties // AIP Conference Proceedings - 2014, Vol. 1599, pp. 210-213
подробнее >> - 452. Larin S.V., Darinskii A.A. Interaction of interpolyelectrolyte complexes formed by a linear polyelectrolyte and dendrimers or spheres // Polymer Science - Series A - 2014, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 228-239 [IF: 0.822, SJR: 0.224]
подробнее >> - 451. Plotnikova L.V., Nechiporenko A.P., Orekhova S.M., Plotnikov P.P., Ishevski A.L. A study of muscular tissue of animal origin by reflection-spectroscopy methods // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 1015-1018 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 450. Grinberg E.E., Levin Y.I., Strelnikova I., Amelina А.Е. Synthesis and purification of aluminum isopropylate // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry - 2014, Vol. 87, No. 5, pp. 567-571 [IF: 0.375, SJR: 0.205]
подробнее >> - 449. Olekhnovich R.O., Danilova K.V., Uspenskii A.A., Slobodov A.A., Uspenskaia M.V. Synthesis of poly(acrylic acid)-co-acrylamide/bentonite polymer nanocomposite as an absorbent for removal of heavy metal ions from water // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 477-484 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 448. Zadorozhnaya O., Kirsanov D., Buzhinsky I., Tsarev F., Abramova N., Bratov A., Munoz F.J., Ribo J., Bori J., Riva M.C., Legin A. Water pollution monitoring by an artificial sensory system performing in terms of Vibrio fischeri bacteria // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2015, Vol. 207, No. Part B, pp. 1069-1075 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 447. Hassouneh W., Zhulina E.B., Chilkoti A., Rubinstein M. Elastin-like Polypeptide Diblock Copolymers Self-Assemble into Weak Micelles // Macromolecules - 2015, Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 4183-4195 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 446. Iaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Kartsova L.A., Sidorova A.A., Borisova I.V., Legin A.V. Determination of urine ionic composition with potentiometric multisensor system // Talanta - 2015, Vol. 131, pp. 556-561 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 445. Vasiliev A.A., Sokolov A.V., Legin A.V., Samotaev N.N., Oblov K.Y., Kim V.P., Tkachev S.V., Gubin S.P., Potapov G.N., Kokhtina Y.V., Nisan A.V. Additive technologies for ceramic MEMS sensors // Procedia Engineering - 2015, Vol. 120, pp. 1087-1090 [SJR: 0.185]
подробнее >> - 444. Penkova A.V., Acquah S.F., Dmitrenko M.E., Sokolova M.P., Mikhailova M.Y., Polyakov E.S., Ermakov S.S., Markelov D.A., Roizard D.G. Improvement of pervaporation PVA membranes by the controlled incorporation of fullerenol nanoparticles // Materials and Design - 2016, Vol. 96, pp. 416-423 [IF: 4.364, SJR: 1.684]
подробнее >> - 443. Markelov D.A., Matveev V.V., Ingman P., Nikolaeva M.N., Penkova A.V., Lahderanta E.M., Boiko N.I., Chizhik V.I. Unexpected Temperature Behavior of Polyethylene Glycol Spacers in Copolymer Dendrimers in Chloroform // Scientific Reports - 2016, Vol. 6, pp. 24270 [IF: 4.259, SJR: 0.9]
подробнее >> - 442. Uhlik F., Kosovan P., Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Charge-controlled nano-structuring in partially collapsed star-shaped macromolecules // Soft Matter - 2016, Vol. 12, No. 21, pp. 4846-4852 [IF: 3.889, SJR: 0.783]
подробнее >> - 441. Sibirtsev V.S., Naumov I.A., Kuprina E.E., Olekhnovich R.O. Use of Impedance Biotesting to Assess the Actions of Pharmaceutical Compounds on the Growth of Microorganisms // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal - 2016, Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 481–485 [IF: 0.445, SJR: 0.195]
подробнее >> - 440. Akuli A., Pal A., Bej G., Dey T., Ghosh A.K., Tudu B., Bhattacharyya N., Bandyopadhyay R. A machine vision system for estimation of theaflavins and thearubigins in orthodox black tea // International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems - 2016, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 709-731 [SJR: 0.294]
подробнее >> - 439. Oleneva E., Khaydukova M., Ashina J., Yaroshenko I., Jahatspanian I., Legin A., Kirsanov D. A simple procedure to assess limit of detection for multisensor systems // Sensors - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1359 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 438. Legin E., Zadorozhnaya O., Khaydukova M., Kirsanov D., Rybakin V., Zagrebin A., Ignatyeva N., Ashina J., Sarkar S., Mukherjee S., Bhattacharyya N., Bandyopadhyay R., Legin A. Rapid Evaluation of Integral Quality and Safety of Surface and Waste Waters by a Multisensor System (Electronic Tongue) // Sensors - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 2019 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 437. Neelov I., Khamidova D., Bezrodnyi V., Mikhtaniuk S. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interaction of Lysine Dendrigraft of 2nd Generation with Stack of Amyloid Peptides // International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering - 2019, Vol. 13, pp. 26-31
подробнее >> - 436. Kirsanov D.O., Rudnitskaya A., Legin A.V., Babain V.A. UV-Vis spectroscopy with chemometric data treatment: an option for on-line control in nuclear industry // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - 2017, Vol. 312, No. 3, pp. 461-470 [IF: 1.282, SJR: 0.355]
подробнее >> - 435. Makrlik E., Vanura P., Selucky P., Babain V.A., Alyapyshev M.Y., Dar'In D.V. N,N'-diethyl-N,N'-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxamide as an extraordinarily effective extraction agent for trivalent europium and americium // Journal of Molecular Liquids - 2017, Vol. 237, pp. 490-495 [IF: 3.648, SJR: 0.918]
подробнее >> - 434. Panchuk V.V., Rabdano N.O., Goidenko A.A., Grebenyuk A.V., Irkaev S.M., Semenov V.G. Determination of the oxidation state of iron by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy using chemometric approaches // Journal of Analytical Chemistry - 2017, Vol. 72, No. 6, pp. 662-670 [IF: 0.723, SJR: 0.242]
подробнее >> - 433. Tiwari K., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R., Chatterjee A., Pramanik P. Voltammetric sensor for electrochemical determination of the floral origin of honey based on a zinc oxide nanoparticle modified carbon paste electrode // Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems - 2018, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 319-329 [SJR: 0.256]
подробнее >> - 432. Zhulina E.B., Leermakers F.A., Borisov O.V. Effect of chain architecture on properties of self-assembled dendron brushes // Polymer - 2018, Vol. 144, pp. 142-149 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 431. Uspensky A.B., Ralys R.V., Kremnev D., Radin M., Slobodov A.A. Thermodynamic physico-chemical modelling and calculation for the synthesis process of modern functional materials // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2017, Vol. 175, No. 1, pp. 012024 [SJR: 0.249]
подробнее >> - 430. Rudnitskaya A., Schmidtke L.M., Reis A., Domingues M.R., Delgadillo I., Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Measurements of the effects of wine maceration with oak chips using an electronic tongue // Food Chemistry - 2017, Vol. 229, pp. 20-27 [IF: 4.529, SJR: 1.745]
подробнее >> - 429. Usoltsev D., Sitnikova V.E., Kajava A.V., Uspenskaya M.V. FTIR Spectroscopy Study of the Secondary Structure Changes in Human Serum Albumin and Trypsin under Neutral Salts // Biomolecules - 2020, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 606 [SJR: 1.179]
подробнее >> - 428. Panchuk V.V., Semenov V.G., Ashina J., Legin A.V., Mikhelson K.N., Kirsanov D.O. Feasibility study of Mossbauer spectroscopy as a tool to explore PVC-plasticized potentiometric sensor membranes // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 298, pp. 126880 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 427. Banerjee M.B., Pradhan S., Roy R.B., Tudu B., Das D.K., Bandyopadhyay R., Pramanik P. Detection of Benzene and Volatile Aromatic Compounds by Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Coated Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 885-892 [IF: 2.512, SJR: 1.084]
подробнее >> - 426. Makrlik E., Vanura P., Selucky P., Babain V.A., Dar’In D., Alyapyshev M.Y. N,N,N’,N’-tetrabutyl-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxamide as very effective extraction agent for trivalent europium and americium // Acta Chimica Slovenica - 2017, Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 582-589 [IF: 0.983, SJR: 0.254]
подробнее >> - 425. Villain E., Nikekhin A.A., Kajava A.V. Porins and amyloids are coded by similar sequence motifs // Proteomics - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1800075 [IF: 4.041, SJR: 1.011]
подробнее >> - 424. Khaydukova M.M., Kirsanov D.O., Pein-Hackelbusch M., Immohr L.I., Gilemkhanova V.D., Legin A.V. Critical view on drug dissolution in artificial saliva: A possible use of in-line e-tongue measurements // European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences - 2017, Vol. 99, pp. 266-271 [IF: 3.756, SJR: 0.752]
подробнее >> - 423. Pomarico G., Mandoj F., Lvova L., Lippolis V., Fronczek F.R., Smith K.M., Di Natale C., Paolesse R. Joining Chromophores: a Porphyrin-BPI Fused System // European Journal of Organic Chemistry - 2019, No. 4, pp. 655-659 [IF: 2.834, SJR: 0.584]
подробнее >> - 422. Baidakova M., Sitnikova V., Uspenskaya M., Olekhnovich R., Kremenevskaya M. Polymer acrylic hydrogels with protein filler: Synthesis and characterization // Agronomy Research - 2019, Vol. 17, No. Special Issue II, pp. 913-922 [SJR: 0.241]
подробнее >> - 421. Nechiporenko A.P., Melnikova M.I., Nechiporenko U.Y., Plotnikova L.V., Uspenskaya M.V. Optical properties of oil extracts and residues of medicinal and aromatic herbs // Известия вузов. Прикладная химия и биотехнология [Izvestiya vuzov-prikladnaya khimiya i biotekhnologiya] - 2018, Vol. 8, No. 4(27), pp. 6-12 Optical properties of oil extracts and residues of medicinal and aromatic herbs
подробнее >> - 420. Usoltsev D., Sitnikova V., Kajava A.V., Uspenskaya M.V. Systematic FTIR Spectroscopy Study of the Secondary Structure Changes in Human Serum Albumin under Various Denaturation Conditions // Biomolecules - 2019, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 359 [SJR: 1.179]
подробнее >> - 419. Vollova K., Uspenskaya M., Sivtsov E., Belukhichev E. The study of polymer composites based on polyvinylchloride film and biopolymer filler // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 41, pp. 225-230 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 418. Uspenskaya M.V., Kopyltsova A.В., Tarasov B.Р., Volkova K.V. The problems of oil pollution control in the laboratory and in the flow // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 14, pp. 957-963 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 417. Nazarov R., Zhang T., Khodzitsky M., Demchenko P. Comparative study of quantitative methods to determine component concentration for water-free biotissue phantom // Proceedings of SPIE - 2019, Vol. 11075, pp. 11075-31 [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 416. Sibirtsev V.S., Naumov I.A., Kuprina E.E., Olekhnovich R.O. Use of Impedance Biotesting to Assess the Actions of Pharmaceutical Compounds on the Growth of Microorganisms // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal - 2016, Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 481–485 [IF: 0.445, SJR: 0.195]
подробнее >> - 415. Sheveleva N.N., Markelov D.A., Vovk M.A., Tarasenko I.I., Mikhailova M.Y., Ilyash M., Neelov I.M., Lahderanta E. Stable Deuterium Labeling of Histidine-Rich Lysine-Based Dendrimers // Molecules - 2019, Vol. 24, No. 13, pp. 2481 [IF: 2.861, SJR: 0.744]
подробнее >> - 414. Shavykin O.V., Mikhailov I.V., Darinskii A.A., Neelov I.M., Leermakers F.A. Effect of an asymmetry of branching on structural characteristics of dendrimers revealed by Brownian dynamics simulations // Polymer - 2018, Vol. 146, pp. 256-266 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 413. Ilyash M.Y., Bezrodnyi V.V., Fatullaev E.I., Mikhtaniuk S.E., Tarasenko I.I., Neelov I.M. Computer simulation of complexation of lysine dendrigraft of second generation with DS dipeptide molecules // International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering - 2019, Vol. 13, pp. 63-69
подробнее >> - 412. Brosel-Oliu S., Abramova N.Y., Bratov A.V., Vigues N., Mas J., Munoz F.J. Sensitivity and Response Time of Polyethyleneimine Modified Impedimetric Transducer for Bacteria Detection // Electroanalysis - 2015, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 656-662 [IF: 2.851, SJR: 0.466]
подробнее >> - 411. Iaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Kartsova L.A., Sidorova A.A., Borisova I.V., Legin A.V. Determination of urine ionic composition with potentiometric multisensor system // Talanta - 2015, Vol. 131, pp. 556-561 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 410. Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Kartsova L.A., Sidorova A.A., Sun Q., Wan H., He Y., Wang P., Legin A.V. Exploring bitterness of traditional Chinese medicine samples by potentiometric electronic tongue and by capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography coupled to UV detection // Talanta - 2016, Vol. 152, pp. 105-111 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 409. Voitechovic E., Korepanov A., Kirsanov D., Jahatspanian I., Legin A. Bio-assisted potentiometric multisensor system for purity evaluation of recombinant protein // Talanta - 2016, Vol. 156-157, pp. 87-94 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 408. Kirsanov D.O., Korepanov A., Dorovenko D., Legin E.A., Legin A.V. Indirect monitoring of protein A biosynthesis in E.coli using potentiometric multisensor system // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 238, pp. 1159–1164 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 407. Abramova N., Moral-Vico J., Soley J., Ocana C., Bratov A. Solid contact ion sensor with conducting polymer layer copolymerized with the ion-selective membrane for determination of calcium in blood serum // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2016, Vol. 943, pp. 50-57 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 406. Oleneva E., Khaydukova M., Ashina J., Yaroshenko I., Jahatspanian I., Legin A., Kirsanov D. A simple procedure to assess limit of detection for multisensor systems // Sensors - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1359 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 405. Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Panchuk V.V., Semenov V.G., Legin A.V. Three-point multivariate calibration models by correlation constrained MCR-ALS: A feasibility study for quantitative analysis of complex mixtures // Talanta - 2017, Vol. 163, pp. 39-47 [IF: 4.162]
подробнее >> - 404. Panchuk V.V., Semenov V.G., Ashina J., Legin A.V., Mikhelson K.N., Kirsanov D.O. Feasibility study of Mossbauer spectroscopy as a tool to explore PVC-plasticized potentiometric sensor membranes // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 298, pp. 126880 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 403. Zulina N.A., Baranov M.A., Kniazev K.I., Kaliabin V.O., Denisyuk I.Y., Achor S.U., Sitnikova V.E. Nonlinear absorption enhancement of AuNPs based polymer nanocomposites // Optics and Laser Technology - 2018, Vol. 103, pp. 396-400 [IF: 2.109, SJR: 0.878]
подробнее >> - 402. Nosenko T.N., Uspenskaya M.V., Fokina M.I., Sitnikova V.E., Denisyuk I.Y. IR spectroscopic study of polymeric composites filled with ZnO having antifungal properties // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 6.2, pp. 307-316 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 401. Burunkova J.A., Denisyuk I.Y., Zhuk D.I., Sheklanova E.B. Holographic nanocomposite and a related diffraction element // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 2, pp. 341-343 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 400. Mokeev M.V., Ostanin S.A., Saprykina N.N., Zuev V.V. Microphase structure of polyurethane-polyurea copolymers as revealed by solid-state NMR: effect of molecular architecture // Polymer - 2018, Vol. 150, pp. 72-83 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 399. Markelov D.A., Dolgushev M., Lahderanta E.E. NMR Relaxation in Dendrimers // Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 91, pp. 1-66 [IF: 2.6, SJR: 0.357]
подробнее >> - 398. Gorshkova R.M., Khalikov D., Slobodova D., Slobodov A.A. Kinetics of protopect in decomposition in vegetable raw material under high temperatures and pressures // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1045, No. 1, pp. 012012 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 397. Lavrov H.V., Ustynyuk N.A., Matveev P.I., Gloriozov I.P., Zhokhov S.S., Alyapyshev M.Y., Tkachenko L.I., Voronaev I.G., Babain V.A., Kalmykov S.N., Ustynyuk Y.A. A novel highly selective ligand for separation of actinides and lanthanides in the nuclear fuel cycle. Experimental verification of the theoretical prediction // Dalton Transactions - 2017, Vol. 46, No. 33, pp. 10926-10934 [IF: 4.029, SJR: 0.697]
подробнее >> - 396. Yaroshenko I.S., Kartsova L.A. Determination of markers of the urinary stone disease // Journal of Analytical Chemistry - 2015, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 546-551 [IF: 0.723, SJR: 0.242]
подробнее >> - 395. Bronnikov S.V., Kostromin S.V., Zuev V.V. Polymer - dispersed liquid crystals: progress in preparation, investigation, and application // Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B. Physics - 2013, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 1718-1735 [IF: 0.828, SJR: 0.259]
подробнее >> - 394. Richard F.D., Kajava A. TRDistiller: A rapid filter for enrichment of sequence datasets with proteins containing tandem repeats // Journal of Structural Biology - 2014, Vol. 186, No. 3, pp. 386-391 [IF: 2.767, SJR: 1.771]
подробнее >> - 393. Zuev V.V., Podshivalov A.V., Bronnikov S.V., Shishov M.A. The oxidative polymerization of aniline as topochemical process. The statistical analysis of grain growth // European Polymer Journal - 2013, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 3271-3276 The oxidative polymerization of aniline as topochemical process. The statistical analysis of grain growth
[IF: 3.531, SJR: 0.982]
подробнее >> - 392. Borisov O.V., Zhulina E.B. Theory of self-assembly of triblock ter-polymers in selective solvent towards corona-compartmentalized (Janus) micelles // Polymer - 2013, Vol. 54, No. 8, pp. 2043–2048 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 391. Zhulina E.B., Rubinstein M. Lubrication by Polyelectrolyte Brushes // Macromolecules - 2014, Vol. 47, No. 16, pp. 5825–5838 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 390. Jeong S., Zhou X., Zhulina E.B., Jho Y. Monte Carlo Simulation of the Neurofilament Brush // Israel Journal of Chemistry - 2016, Vol. 56, No. 8, pp. 599-606 [IF: 2.455, SJR: 0.987]
подробнее >> - 389. Ralys R.V., Uspenskiy A.A., Slobodov A.A. Deriving properties of low-volatile substances from isothermal evaporation curves // Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics - 2016, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 3-11 [IF: 1.714, SJR: 0.665]
подробнее >> - 388. Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Kartsova L.A., Sidorova A.A., Sun Q., Wan H., He Y., Wang P., Legin A.V. Exploring bitterness of traditional Chinese medicine samples by potentiometric electronic tongue and by capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography coupled to UV detection // Talanta - 2016, Vol. 152, pp. 105-111 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 387. Uria N., Moral-Vico J., Abramova N., Bratov A.V., Munoz F.X. Fast determination of viable bacterial cells in milk samples using impedimetric sensor and a novel calibration method // Electrochimica Acta - 2016, Vol. 198, pp. 249-258 [IF: 4.798, SJR: 1.159]
подробнее >> - 386. Dearborn A.D., Wall J.S., Cheng N., Heymann J.B., Kajava A.V., Varkey J., Langen R., Steven A.C. alpha-Synuclein amyloid fibrils with two entwined, asymmetrically associated protofibrils // Journal of Biological Chemistry - 2016, Vol. 291, No. 5, pp. 2310-2318 [IF: 4.125, SJR: 1.766]
подробнее >> - 385. Kirsanov D.O., Korepanov A., Dorovenko D., Legin E.A., Legin A.V. Indirect monitoring of protein A biosynthesis in E.coli using potentiometric multisensor system // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 238, pp. 1159–1164 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 384. Uspenskya M.V., Shchemelinina T., Anchugova E., Gurkina A., Glazacheva E.N. Cleaning oil-polluted soil using microbial associations // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016 - 2016, pp. 47-54 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 383. Zulina N.A., Pavlovetc I.M., Baranov M.A., Kaliabin V.O., Denisyuk I.Y. Synthesis and optical properties study of nanocomposites based on AuNPs and AgNPs obtained by laser ablation in liquid monomer // Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing - 2017, Vol. 123, No. 1, pp. 39 [IF: 1.455, SJR: 0.446]
подробнее >> - 382. Pogosian T., Mai T.N., Denisyuk I., Lai N.D. Synthesis and nonlinear optics characterization of DAST submicron crystals in polymerized thin films // Proceedings of SPIE - 2018, Vol. 10681, pp. 106811A [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 381. Vozianova A.V., Gill V.V., Sharaevsky M., Soboleva V.Y., Khodzitsky M.K. Emission illusion at an angle // Journal of Nanophotonics - 2019, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 026013 [IF: 1.325, SJR: 0.269]
подробнее >> - 380. Panchuk V.V., Yaroshenko I.S., Legin A.V., Semenov V.G., Kirsanov D.O. Application of chemometric methods to XRF-data – A tutorial review // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2018, Vol. 1040, pp. 19-32 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 379. Kremenevskaya M.I., Sosnina O.A., Semenova A., Udina I., Glazova A.E. Meat industry by-products for berry crops and food production quality improvement // Agronomy Research - 2017, Vol. 15, No. Spec.2, pp. 1330-1347 [SJR: 0.241]
подробнее >> - 378. Burunkova J.A., Denisyuk I.Y., Zhuk D.I., Sheklanova E.B. Holographic nanocomposite and a related diffraction element // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 2, pp. 341-343 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 377. Denisyuk I.Y., Ozheredov I., Sinko A., Fokina M., Pogosian T., Ignateva I., Diep Lai N., Ledoux-Rak I. Optical properties of photobleached DAST molecular crystals in terahertz domain // Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves - 2020, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 1082-1088 [IF: 2.54, SJR: 0.495]
подробнее >> - 376. Gan Y., Hu N., He C., Zhou S., Tu J., Liang T., Pan Y., Kirsanov D., Legin A., Wan H., Wang P. MnO2 nanosheets as the biomimetic oxidase for rapid and sensitive oxalate detection combining with bionic E-eye // Biosensors and Bioelectronics - 2019, Vol. 130, pp. 254-261 [IF: 7.78, SJR: 2.052]
подробнее >> - 375. Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Panchuk V.V., Semenov V.G., Legin A.V. Three-point multivariate calibration models by correlation constrained MCR-ALS: A feasibility study for quantitative analysis of complex mixtures // Talanta - 2017, Vol. 163, pp. 39-47 [IF: 4.162]
подробнее >> - 374. Zulina N.A., Achor U.S., Kniazev K.I. Polymer composition influence on optical properties of laser-generated Au nanoparticles based nanocomposites // Semiconductors - 2018, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 583-586 [IF: 0.602, SJR: 0.173]
подробнее >> - 373. Chatterjee T.N., Das D., Roy R.B., Tudu B., Sabhapondit S., Tamuly P., Pramanik P.K., Bandyopadhyay R. Molecular Imprinted Polymer based Electrode for Sensing Catechin (+C) in Green Tea // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 2236-2244 [IF: 2.512, SJR: 1.084]
подробнее >> - 372. Denisyuk I.Y., Ignatieva Y.A., Uspenskaya M.V., Fokina M.I. A Nanocomposite Optosensor of Lead Ions in Water // Optics and spectroscopy - 2019, Vol. 126, No. 6, pp. 671-673 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 371. Nandy Chatterjee T., Das D., Banerjee Roy R., Tudu B., Hazarika A.K., Sabhapondit S., Tamuly P., Bandyopadhyay R. Development of a nickel hydroxide nanopetal decorated molecular imprinted polymer based electrode for sensitive detection of epigallocatechin-3-gallate in green tea // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 283, pp. 69-78 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 370. Mikhaylov I.V., Darinskii A.A. Effect of the side-arm architecture on the conformational properties of bottle brushes // Polymer Science - Series A - 2015, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 239-250 [IF: 0.822, SJR: 0.224]
подробнее >> - 369. Bondarev S.A., Bondareva O.V., Zhouravleva G.A., Kajava A.V. BetaSerpentine: a bioinformatics tool for reconstruction of amyloid structures // Bioinformatics - 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 599-608 [IF: 7.307, SJR: 2.574]
подробнее >> - 368. Khaydukova M.M., Panchuk V.V., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Multivariate Calibration Transfer between two Potentiometric Multisensor Systems // Electroanalysis - 2017, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 2161-2166 [IF: 2.851, SJR: 0.466]
подробнее >> - 367. Sheklanova E.B., Fokina M.I., Denisyuk I.Y. A 3D Cryptographic Information Protective Holographic Element // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 563-565 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 366. Mikhaylov I.V., Borisov O.V., Darinskii A.A., Leermakers F.A., Birshtein T.M. Bending moduli of dendritic polymer brushes in a good solvent // Polymer Science - Series A - 2017, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 772-783 [IF: 0.822, SJR: 0.224]
подробнее >> - 365. Podshivalov A., Zakharova M., Glazacheva E., Uspenskaya M. Gelatin/potato starch edible biocomposite films: Correlation between morphology and physical properties // Carbohydrate Polymers - 2017, Vol. 157, pp. 1162–1172 [IF: 4.811, SJR: 1.831]
подробнее >> - 364. Belukhichev E.V., Sitnikova V.E., Samuylova E.О., Uspenskaya M.V., Martynova D.M. Films based on a blend of PVC with copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate with 3-hydroxyhexanoate // Polymers - 2020, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 270 [IF: 3.364, SJR: 0.8]
подробнее >> - 363. Журавин И.А., Дубровская Н.М., Туманова Н.Л., Васильев Д.С., Тарасенко И.И., Неелов И.М., Наливаева Н.Н. Исследование распространения полилизиновых дендримеров в головном мозге и периферических тканях крыс // Российский физиологический журнал им. И.М. Сеченова [Rossiiskii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova] - 2018. - Т. 104. - № 6. - С. 647-653 [IF: 0.454]
подробнее >> - 362. Abramova N., Bratov A.V. Title Monitoring Protamine-Heparin Interactions Using Microcapillary Impedimetric Sensor // Electroanalysis - 2015, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 663-669 [IF: 2.851, SJR: 0.466]
подробнее >> - 361. Ashina I.S., Kirsanov D., Moreau M., Koverga V.A., Mikhelson K.N., Ruckebusch C., Legin A.V. Raman transduction for polymeric ion-selective sensor membranes: Proof of concept study // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 253, pp. 697-702 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 360. Panchuk V.V., Lvova L.B., Kirsanov D.O., Goncalves C.G., Di Natale C., Paolesse R., Legin A.V. Extending electronic tongue calibration lifetime through mathematical drift correction: Case study of microcystin toxicity analysis in waters // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2016, Vol. 237, pp. 962-968 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 359. Khaydukova M.M., Ceto X., Kirsanov D.O., Del Valle M., Legin A.V. A Tool for General Quality Assessment of Black Tea-Retail Price Prediction by an Electronic Tongue // Food Analytical Methods - 2015, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 1088-1092 [IF: 2.038, SJR: 0.488]
подробнее >> - 358. Voitechovic E., Bratov A.V., Abramova N., Razumiene J., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V., Lakshmi D., Piletsky S.A., Whitcombe M.J., Ivanova-Mitseva P.K. Development of label-free impedimetric platform based on new conductive polyaniline polymer and three-dimensional interdigitated electrode array for biosensor applications // Electrochimica Acta - 2015, Vol. 173, pp. 59-66 [IF: 4.798, SJR: 1.159]
подробнее >> - 357. Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Yaroshenko I.S., Sidorova A.A., Piven A., Legin A.V. Two low-cost digital camera-based platforms for quantitative creatinine analysis in urine // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2015, Vol. 895, pp. 71-79 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 356. Semenov V., Volkov S., Khaydukova M., Fedorov A.V., Lisitsyna I., Kirsanov D., Legin A.V. Determination of three quality parameters in vegetable oils using potentiometric e-tongue // Journal of Food Composition and Analysis - 2019, Vol. 75, pp. 75-80 [IF: 2.752, SJR: 0.73]
подробнее >> - 355. Oleneva E., Panchenko A.V., Khaydukova M., Gubareva E., Bibikova O., Artyushenko V., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O. In vivo and in vitro application of near-infrared fiber optic probe for Ehrlich carcinoma distinction: Towards the development of real-time tumor margins assessment tool // Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy - 2019, Vol. 213, pp. 12-18 [IF: 2.536, SJR: 0.653]
подробнее >> - 354. Khaydukova M.M., Medina-Plaza C., Rodriguez-Mendez M.L., Panchuk V.V., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Multivariate calibration transfer between two different types of multisensor systems // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 246, pp. 994-1000 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 353. Kniazev K.I., Yakunenkov R.E., Zulina N.A., Fokina M.I., Nabiullina R.D. Rhodamine-B absorption and fluorescence enhancement in the near field of gold nanoparticles in an acrylate-based polymer matrix // Journal of Optical Technology - 2019, Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 21-24 [IF: 0.299, SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 352. Шекланова Е.Б., Фокина М.И., Денисюк И.Ю. 3D защитный голографический элемент с криптографической информацией // Оптика и спектроскопия - 2018. - Т. 125. - № 4. - С. 541-543 [IF: 0.484]
подробнее >> - 351. Denisyuk I.Y., Ignatieva Y.A., Uspenskaya M.V., Fokina M.I. A Nanocomposite Optosensor of Lead Ions in Water // Optics and spectroscopy - 2019, Vol. 126, No. 6, pp. 671-673 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 350. Toropova A.P., Uspenskaia T.E., Fokina M.I., Smekhov A. Edible gelatin holograms // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6.1, pp. 675-682 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 349. Ali S.B., Ghatak B., Debabhuti N., Sharma P., Ghosh A., Tudu B., Bhattacharya N., Bandyopadhyay R. Detection of beta-caryophyllene in mango using a quartz crystal microbalance sensor // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2018, Vol. 255, No. 3, pp. 3064-3073 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 348. Neelov I., Bezrodnyi V., Marchenko A., Fatullaev E., Miktaniuk S. Computer simulation of complex of lysine dendrigraft with molecules of therapeutic KED peptide // ITM Web of Conferences - 2019, Vol. 24, pp. 02008
подробнее >> - 347. Dmitrenko M.E., Penkova A.V., Missyul A.B., Kuzminova A.I., Markelov D.A., Ermakov S.S., Roizard D.G. Development and investigation of mixed-matrix PVA-fullerenol membranes for acetic acid dehydration by pervaporation // Separation and Purification Technology - 2017, Vol. 187, pp. 285-293 [IF: 3.359, SJR: 1.533]
подробнее >> - 346. Gredyukhina I.V., Plotnikova L., Balbekin N.S., Kulya M.S., Petrov N.V., Nechiporenko A.P., Uspenskaya M.V. Influence of the degree of neutralization of acrylic acid and cross-linking agent on optical properties and swelling of sodium polyacrylate // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 877–879 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 345. Ghatak B., Ali S.B., Tudu B., Pramanik P., Mukherji S., Bandyopadhyay R. Detecting Ocimene in mango using mustard oil based quartz crystal microbalance sensor // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 284, pp. 514-524 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 344. Sivalingam Y., Pudi R., Lvova L.B., Pomarico G., Legin A.V., Paolesse R., Di Natale K. The light modulation of the interaction of l-cysteine with porphyrins coated ZnO nanorods // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2015, Vol. 209, pp. 613-621 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 343. Toikka А.М., Penkova A.V., Markelov D.A. Description and approximation of mass-transfer in pervaporation process on the base of nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - 2014, Vol. 72, pp. 423–429 [IF: 3.458, SJR: 1.224]
подробнее >> - 342. Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Wang P., Ha D., Wan H., He J., Vlasov Y.G., Legin A.V. Determination of the toxicity of herb preparations of the traditional Chinese medicine with a multisensor system // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry - 2015, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 72-81 [IF: 0.375, SJR: 0.205]
подробнее >> - 341. Cespedes N., Habel C., Lopez-Perez M., Castellanos A., Kajava A., Servis C., Felger I., Moret R., Arevalo-Herrera M., Corradin G., Herrera S. Plasmodium vivax antigen discovery based on alpha-helical coiled coil protein motif // PLoS ONE - 2014, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. e100440 [IF: 2.806, SJR: 0.839]
подробнее >> - 340. Filippov A.P., Belyaeva E.V., Krasova A.S., Simonova M.A., Meleshko T.K., Ilgach D.M., Bogorad N.N., Yakimansky A.V., Larin S.V., Darinskii A.A. Conformations of molecular brushes based on polyimide and poly(methyl methacrylate) in selective solvents: Experiment and computer simulation // Polymer Science - Series A - 2014, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 393-404 [IF: 0.822, SJR: 0.224]
подробнее >> - 339. Veiko V.P., Slobodov A.A., Odintsova G.V. Availability of methods of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics for the analysis of chemical transformations on metal surfaces under pulsed laser action // Laser Physics - 2013, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 066001 [IF: 1.328, SJR: 0.291]
подробнее >> - 338. [IF: 0.882, SJR: 0.192]
подробнее >> - 337. Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Ruckebusch C., Agafonova-Moroz M.S., Babain V.A., Lumpov A.A., Legin A.V. Restoring important process information from complex optical spectra with MCR-ALS: Case study of actinide reduction in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems - 2015, Vol. 146, pp. 241-249 [IF: 2.303, SJR: 0.667]
подробнее >> - 336. Khaydukova M.M., Ceto X., Kirsanov D.O., Del Valle M., Legin A.V. A Tool for General Quality Assessment of Black Tea-Retail Price Prediction by an Electronic Tongue // Food Analytical Methods - 2015, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 1088-1092 [IF: 2.038, SJR: 0.488]
подробнее >> - 335. Voitechovic E., Bratov A.V., Abramova N., Razumiene J., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V., Lakshmi D., Piletsky S.A., Whitcombe M.J., Ivanova-Mitseva P.K. Development of label-free impedimetric platform based on new conductive polyaniline polymer and three-dimensional interdigitated electrode array for biosensor applications // Electrochimica Acta - 2015, Vol. 173, pp. 59-66 [IF: 4.798, SJR: 1.159]
подробнее >> - 334. Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Yaroshenko I.S., Sidorova A.A., Piven A., Legin A.V. Two low-cost digital camera-based platforms for quantitative creatinine analysis in urine // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2015, Vol. 895, pp. 71-79 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 333. Bondarev S.A., Zhouravleva G.A., Belousov M.V., Kajava A. Structure-based view on [PSI+] prion properties // Yeast - 2015, Vol. 32, No. Suppl1, pp. S206-S206 [IF: 1.99, SJR: 0.608]
- 332. Ali Salah A., Ghatak B.R., Gupta S.D., Debabhuti N., Chakraborty P., Sharma P.K., Ghosh A.K., Tudu B., Mitra S., Sarkar M.P., Bkhattacharia N., Bandiopadkhiai R. Detection of 3-Carene in mango using a quartz crystal microbalance sensor // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2016, Vol. 230, pp. 791-800 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 331. Banerjee R., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R., Bhattacharyya N. A review on combined odor and taste sensor systems // Journal of Food Engineering - 2016, Vol. 190, pp. 10-21 [IF: 3.099, SJR: 1.158]
подробнее >> - 330. Kremenevskaya M.I., Uspenskaya M.V., Danilova K.V., Sosnina O.A. Aquaculture: problems and modern perspective on topical solution // Agronomy Research - 2016, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 604-613 [SJR: 0.241]
подробнее >> - 329. Hoyos-Nogues M., Brosel-Oliu S., Abramova N., Munoz F.X., Bratov A.V., Mas-Moruno C., Gil F. Impedimetric antimicrobial peptide-based sensor for the early detection of periodontopathogenic bacteria // Biosensors and Bioelectronics - 2016, Vol. 86, pp. 377-385 [IF: 7.78, SJR: 2.052]
подробнее >> - 328. Choueiri R., Galati E., Therien-Aubin H., Klinkova A., Larin E.M., Querejeta-Fernandez A., Han L., Xin H., Gang O., Zhulina E.B., Rubinstein M., Kumacheva E. Surface patterning of nanoparticles with polymer patches // Nature - 2016, Vol. 538, pp. 79–83 [IF: 40.137, SJR: 18.509]
подробнее >> - 327. Podshivalov A., Zakharova M., Glazacheva E., Uspenskaya M. Gelatin/potato starch edible biocomposite films: Correlation between morphology and physical properties // Carbohydrate Polymers - 2017, Vol. 157, pp. 1162–1172 [IF: 4.811, SJR: 1.831]
подробнее >> - 326. Strelnikova I.E., Grinberg E.E., Levin Y.I., Amelina A.E., Rakhlin V.I. Preparation of a Mixed Mg–Si Cellosolvate // Inorganic Materials - 2016, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 1250–1253 [IF: 0.62, SJR: 0.233]
подробнее >> - 325. Sokolova M.P., Smirnov M.A., Samarov A.A., Bobrova N.V., Vorobiov V.K., Popova E.N., Filippova E., Geydt P., Lahderanta E., Toikka А.М. Plasticizing of chitosan films with deep eutectic mixture of malonic acid and choline chloride // Carbohydrate Polymers - 2018, Vol. 197, pp. 548–557 [IF: 4.811, SJR: 1.831]
подробнее >> - 324. Rud O., Richter T., Borisov O., Holm C., Kosovan P. A self-consistent mean-field model for polyelectrolyte gels // Soft Matter - 2017, Vol. 13, No. 18, pp. 3264-3274 [IF: 3.889, SJR: 0.783]
подробнее >> - 323. Black C., Paulenova A., Lapka J., Babain V.A., Alyapyshev M.Y. Separation of f-elements by resins impregnated with amides of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - 2019, Vol. 320, No. 2, pp. 299–307 [IF: 1.282, SJR: 0.355]
подробнее >> - 322. Pikhurov D.V., Zuev V.V. Synthesis and Mechanical Characterization of Nanoparticles Infused Polyurethane Foams; Statistical Analysis of Foam Morphology // Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B. Physics - 2017, Vol. 56, No. 7, pp. 462-473 [IF: 0.828, SJR: 0.259]
подробнее >> - 321. Semenov V., Volkov S., Khaydukova M., Fedorov A.V., Lisitsyna I., Kirsanov D., Legin A.V. Determination of three quality parameters in vegetable oils using potentiometric e-tongue // Journal of Food Composition and Analysis - 2019, Vol. 75, pp. 75-80 [IF: 2.752, SJR: 0.73]
подробнее >> - 320. Burunkova J., Keki S., Veniaminov A.V., Nagy M., Daroczi L., Kokenyesi S. Influence of Gold Nanoparticles on the Luminescence of an Acrylated Isocyanonaphthalene Derivative // Advances in Condensed Matter Physics - 2019, pp. 8084659 [IF: 1.044, SJR: 0.254]
подробнее >> - 319. Kar S., Tudu B., Bag A.K., Bandyopadhyay R. Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for the Detection of Metanil Yellow in Turmeric Powder // Food Analytical Methods - 2018, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 1291-1302 [IF: 2.038, SJR: 0.488]
подробнее >> - 318. Markelov D.A., Furstenberg F., Dolgushev M. NMR relaxation in semiflexible Vicsek fractals // Polymer - 2018, Vol. 144, pp. 65-71 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 317. Piovesan D., Tabaro F., Micetic I., Necci M., Quaglia F., Oldfield C.J., Aspromonte M.C., Davey N.E., Davidovic R.S., Dosztanyi Z., Elofsson A., Gasparini A., Hatos A., Kajava A.V., Kalmar L., Leonardi E., Lazar T., Macedo-Ribeiro S., Macossay-Castillo M., Meszaros A., Minervini G., Murvai N., Pujols J., Roche D.B., Salladini E., Schad E., Schramm A., Szabo B.K., Tantos A., Tonello F., Tsirigos K.D., Veljkovic N., Ventura S., Vranken W.F., Warholm P., Uversky V.N., Dunker A.K., Longhi S., Tompa P., Tosatto S.C. DisProt 7.0: A major update of the database of disordered proteins // Nucleic Acids Research - 2017, Vol. 45, No. D1, pp. D219-D227 [IF: 10.162, SJR: 7.048]
подробнее >> - 316. Markelov D.A., Falkovich S.G., Neelov I.M., Ilyash M.Y., Matveev V.V., Lahderanta E., Matveev V.V., Falkovich S., Lahderanta E.M., Ingman P., Darinskii A.A. Molecular dynamics simulation of spin-lattice NMR relaxation in poly-L-lysine dendrimers: Manifestation of the semiflexibility effect // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2015, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 3214-3226 [IF: 4.123, SJR: 0.721]
подробнее >> - 315. Kononov A., Korotetsky B.A., Jahatspanian I.E., Gubal A., Vasiliev A.A., Arsenjev A., Nefedov A., Barchuk A.A., Gorbunov I., Kozyrev K.V., Rassadina A.A., Iakovleva E., Sillanpaa M., Safaei Z., Ivanenko N., Stolyarova N., Chuchina V., Ganeev A.A. Online breath analysis using metal oxide semiconductor sensors (Electronic Nose) for diagnosis of lung cancer // Journal of Breath Research - 2020, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 016004 [IF: 4.318, SJR: 0.784]
подробнее >> - 314. Bronnikov S., Podshivalov A., Kostromin S., Asandulesa M., Cozan V. Electrical conductivity of polyazomethine/fullerene C60 nanocomposites // Physics Letters A - 2017, Vol. 381, No. 8, pp. 796-800 [IF: 1.772, SJR: 0.483]
подробнее >> - 313. Ray H., Bhattacharyya N., Ghosh A., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R., Biswas S.P., Majumdar S. Fragrance Profiling of Jasminum Sambac Ait. Flowers Using Electronic Nose // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 160-168 [IF: 2.512]
подробнее >> - 312. Lebedeva I.O., Zhulina E.B., Leermakers F., Borisov O.V. Dendron and Hyperbranched Polymer Brushes in Good and Poor Solvents // Langmuir - 2017, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1315-1325 [IF: 3.833, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 311. Panchuk V.V., Kirsanov D.O., Oleneva E., Semenov V.G., Legin A.V. Calibration transfer between different analytical methods // Talanta - 2017, Vol. 170, pp. 457-463 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 310. Lvova L.B., Goncalves C.G., Di Natale C., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O., Paolesse R. Recent advances in magnesium assessment: From single selective sensors to multisensory approach // Talanta - 2018, Vol. 179, pp. 430-441 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 309. Zulina N.A., Baranov M.A., Kniazev K.I., Kaliabin V.O., Denisyuk I.Y., Achor S.U., Sitnikova V.E. Nonlinear absorption enhancement of AuNPs based polymer nanocomposites // Optics and Laser Technology - 2018, Vol. 103, pp. 396-400 [IF: 2.109, SJR: 0.878]
подробнее >> - 308. Gusev S.I., Soboleva V.Y., Kublanova I.L., Khodzitsky M.K. Glucose level sensor based on metasurface in THz frequency range // AIP Conference Proceedings - 2019, Vol. 2098, pp. 020008
подробнее >> - 307. Glazacheva E.N., Olekhnovich R.О., Sitnikova V.Е., Uspenskaya M.V., Strelnikova I.E. Chitosan-based biopolymer film materials for medical applications // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6.1, pp. 617-624 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 306. Sitnikova V.E., Olekhnovich R.О., Borisov P.V. Comparing the sorption properties of bentonite and pectin-containing hydrogels as perspective sorbents of heavy metals // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 5.1, pp. 199-206 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 305. Plotnikova L.V., Polyanichko A.M., Kobeleva M.O., Nikekhin A.A., Uspenskaya M.V., Kayava A.V., Garifullin A.D., Voloshin S.V. Analysis of Blood Serum by the Method of Refractometry in Antitumor Therapy in Patients with Multiple Myeloma // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 140-142 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 304. Ali S.B., Ghatak B., Debabhuti N., Pal S., Sharma P., Tudu B., Bhattacharyya N., Bandyopadhyay R. Determination of beta-myrcene Volatile in Mango by Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 893-900 [IF: 2.512, SJR: 1.084]
подробнее >> - 303. Bronnikov S., Asandulesa M., Kostromin S., Podshivalov A., Cozan V. Relaxation processes in side-chain polyazomethine/thermally reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites // European Polymer Journal - 2017, Vol. 96, pp. 119-133 [IF: 3.531, SJR: 0.982]
подробнее >> - 302. Glazacheva E., Mellelo E., Uspenskaya M. Method of removing oil products from water // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 31, pp. 609-616 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 301. Zakharova M., Uspenskya M.V., Podshivalov A.V., Davydov I.A., Ishevskii A.L. Effect of the drying rate of the film-forming solution on the physical properties of edible films based on potato starch/gelatin matrices // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 4.1, pp. 687-694 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 300. Dovbeta М.А., Sitnikova V.Е., Ivanova А.I., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskya M.V. A pH-, salt- and solvent-responsive poly(Sodium acrylate)-co-acrylamid/pectin superabsorbent composite // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 51, pp. 23-30 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 299. Sheveleva N.N., Markelov D.A., Vovk M.A., Mikhailova M.E., Tarasenko I.I., Толстой П., Neelov I.M., Lahderanta E., Lahderanta E. Lysine-based dendrimer with double arginine residues // RSC Advances - 2019, Vol. 9, No. 31, pp. 18018-18026 [IF: 3.108, SJR: 0.715]
подробнее >> - 298. Neelov I.M., Popova E.V., Khamidova D.N. Complexes and conjugates of lysine dendrimer with therapeutic tetrapeptides. Molecular dynamics simulation // AIP Conference Proceedings - 2018, Vol. 1982, pp. 020028
подробнее >> - 297. Neelov I., Khamidova D., Bezrodnyi V., Mikhtaniuk S. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interaction of Lysine Dendrigraft of 2nd Generation with Stack of Amyloid Peptides // International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering - 2019, Vol. 13, pp. 26-31
подробнее >> - 296. Zhulina E.B., Neelov I.M., Sheiko S.S., Borisov O.V. Planar brush of end-tethered molecular bottle-brushes. Scaling model // Polymer Science - Series C - 2018, Vol. 60, No. Suppl.1, pp. 76-83 [IF: 2.556, SJR: 0.295]
подробнее >> - 295. Vasiliev A.A., Varfolomeev A.E., Volkov I.A., Simonenko N.P., Arsenov P.V., Vlasov I.S., Ivanov V.V., Pislyakov A.V., Lagutin A.S., Jahatspanian I.E., Maeder T. Reducing humidity response of gas sensors for medical applications: Use of spark discharge synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles // Sensors - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 2600 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 294. Lvova L.B., Guanais G.C., Prodi L., Sgarzi M., Zaccheroni N., Lombardo M., Legin A.V., Di Natale C., Paolesse R. Systematic approach in Mg2+ ions analysis with a combination of tailored fluorophore design // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2017, Vol. 988, pp. 96-103 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 293. Sun Q., Tu J., Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D., Legin A., Wang P. Enzymatic determination of urinary citrate based on flow injection system using NUV spectroscopy and PLS regression // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 251, pp. 1050-1058 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 292. Kirsanov D.O., Panchuk V.V., Goydenko A., Khaydukova M.M., Semenov V.G., Legin A.V. Improving precision of X-ray fluorescence analysis of lanthanide mixtures using partial least squares regression // Spectrochimica Acta - Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy - 2015, Vol. 113, pp. 126–131 [IF: 3.241, SJR: 0.619]
подробнее >> - 291. Legin E., Zadorozhnaya O., Khaydukova M., Kirsanov D., Rybakin V., Zagrebin A., Ignatyeva N., Ashina J., Sarkar S., Mukherjee S., Bhattacharyya N., Bandyopadhyay R., Legin A. Rapid Evaluation of Integral Quality and Safety of Surface and Waste Waters by a Multisensor System (Electronic Tongue) // Sensors - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 2019 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 290. Panchuk V.V., Semenov V.P., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O. Signal Smoothing with PLS Regression // Analytical Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 90, No. 9, pp. 5959-5964 [IF: 6.32, SJR: 1.621]
подробнее >> - 289. Voitechovic E., Korepanov A., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Quantification of immobilized protein in pharmaceutical production by bio-assisted potentiometric multisensor system // Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis - 2018, Vol. 150, pp. 67-71 [IF: 3.255, SJR: 0.584]
подробнее >> - 288. Brosel-Oliu S., Mergel O., Uria N., Abramova N., Van Rijn P., Bratov A.V. 3D impedimetric sensors as a tool for monitoring bacterial response to antibiotics // Lab on a Chip - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1436-1447 [IF: 6.045, SJR: 1.246]
подробнее >> - 287. Zulina N.A., Baranov M.A., Kniazev K.I., Kaliabin V.O., Denisyuk I.Y., Achor S.U., Sitnikova V.E. Nonlinear absorption enhancement of AuNPs based polymer nanocomposites // Optics and Laser Technology - 2018, Vol. 103, pp. 396-400 [IF: 2.109, SJR: 0.878]
подробнее >> - 286. Sheklanova E.B., Fokina M.I., Denisyuk I.Y. A 3D Cryptographic Information Protective Holographic Element // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 563-565 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 285. Toropova A.P., Santalina I.Y., Fokina M.I. Peculiarities of rainbow holograms application on the surface of the caramel // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1062, No. 1, pp. 012016 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 284. Panchuk V.V., Goydenko A., Grebenyuk A.V., Irkaev S.M., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O., Semenov V.G. Sample-in-waveguide geometry for TXRF sensitivity improvement // Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - 2017, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1224-1228 [IF: 3.379, SJR: 0.722]
подробнее >> - 283. Kalyabin V.O., Fokina M.I., Zulina N.A. IR spectroscopy of organic co-crystals of 4-nitrophenol with 2-aminopyridine and 2,6-diaminopyridine // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 269-273 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 282. Galati E., Tebbe M., Querejeta-Fernandez A., Xin H., Gang O., Zhulina E.B., Kumacheva E. Shape-Specific Patterning of Polymer-Functionalized Nanoparticles // ACS Nano - 2017, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 4995-5002 [IF: 13.942, SJR: 4.593]
подробнее >> - 281. Saha P., Ghorai S., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R., Bkhattacharia N. Feature Fusion for Prediction of Theaflavin and Thearubigin in Tea Using Electronic Tongue // IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement - 2017, Vol. 66, No. 7, pp. 1703-1710 [IF: 2.456, SJR: 1.536]
подробнее >> - 280. Shapoval E.S., Zuev V.V. Novel polyamide 12/chromium (III) oxide nanoparticles composites: melting behavior and complex isothermal crystallization kinetics // Polymer Composites - 2015, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 999-1005 [IF: 2.324, SJR: 0.795]
подробнее >> - 279. Mikhailov I.V., Darinskii A.A., Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V., Leermakers F.A. Persistence length of dendronized polymers: the self-consistent field theory // Soft Matter - 2015, Vol. 11, No. 48, pp. 9367-9378 [IF: 3.889, SJR: 0.783]
подробнее >> - 278. Kuroki H., Tokarev I., Nykypanchuk D.M., Zhulina E.B., Minko S. Stimuli-responsive Materials with Self-healing Antifouling Surface via 3D Polymer Grafting // Advanced Functional Materials - 2013, Vol. 23, No. 36, pp. 4593–4600 [IF: 12.124, SJR: 5.496]
подробнее >> - 277. Tarasov B.P., Kopyl'tsova A.B., Glazacheva E.N. Assuring the precision of determination of water content by means of laboratory and continuous petroleum moisture meters: Status, problems, achievements // Measurement Techniques - 2013, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 344-349 [IF: 0.29, SJR: 0.252]
подробнее >> - 276. Borisov O.V., Zhulina E.B. Brushes of dendritically branched polyelectrolytes // Macromolecules - 2015, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 1499-1508 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 275. Borisova O.V., Billon L., Zaremski M.Y., Borisov O.V. Synthesis of amphiphilic block-gradient copolymers of styrene and acrylic acid by Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization // Polymer Science - Series C - 2015, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 86-93 [IF: 2.556, SJR: 0.295]
подробнее >> - 274. Bondarev S.A., Zhouravleva G.A., Belousov M.V., Kajava A. Structure-based view on [PSI+] prion properties // PRION - 2015, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 190-199 [IF: 2.343, SJR: 0.614]
подробнее >> - 273. Kirsanov D.O., Panchuk V.V., Goydenko A., Khaydukova M.M., Semenov V.G., Legin A.V. Improving precision of X-ray fluorescence analysis of lanthanide mixtures using partial least squares regression // Spectrochimica Acta - Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy - 2015, Vol. 113, pp. 126–131 [IF: 3.241, SJR: 0.619]
подробнее >> - 272. Vallejo A.F., Martinez N.L., Tobon A., Alger J., Lacerda M.V., Kajava A.V., Arevalo-Herrera M., Herrera S. Global genetic diversity of the Plasmodium vivax transmission-blocking vaccine candidate Pvs48/45 // Malaria Journal - 2016, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1263 [IF: 2.715, SJR: 1.105]
подробнее >> - 271. Alyapyshev M.Y., Babain V.A., Eliseev I.I., Kenf E.V., Tkachenko L.I. New polar fluorinated diluents for diamide extractants // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - 2016, Vol. 310, No. 2, pp. 785-792 [IF: 1.282, SJR: 0.355]
подробнее >> - 270. Alyapyshev M.Y., Ashina J., Dar'In D.V., Kenf E.V., Kirsanov D.O., Tkachenko L.I., Legin A.V., Starova G.L., Babain V.A. 1,10-Phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxamides as ligands for separation and sensing of hazardous metals // RSC Advances - 2016, Vol. 6, No. 73, pp. 68642-68652 [IF: 3.108, SJR: 0.715]
подробнее >> - 269. Dolgushev M., Markelov D.A., Furstenberg F., Guerin T. Local orientational mobility in regular hyperbranched polymers // Physical Review E - 2016, Vol. 94, No. 1, pp. 012502 [IF: 2.366, SJR: 0.805]
подробнее >> - 268. Rumyantsev A.M., Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Complex Coacervate of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes: Diagram of States // Macromolecules - 2018, Vol. 51, No. 10, pp. 3788-3801 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 267. Baidakova M., Sitnikova V., Uspenskaya M., Olekhnovich R., Kremenevskaya M. Polymer acrylic hydrogels with protein filler: Synthesis and characterization // Agronomy Research - 2019, Vol. 17, No. Special Issue II, pp. 913-922 [SJR: 0.241]
подробнее >> - 266. Fedorov A.V., Bychenok V.A., Kormil’tseva M.F., Sergeev D.S., Tkacheva N.V., Batanov K.A., Garinkov A.V. Ultrasonic Quality Control of Hydroacoustic Antennas // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing - 2019, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 122–128 [IF: 0.492, SJR: 0.297]
подробнее >> - 265. Debus B., Kirsanov D., Yaroshenko I., Legin A. A simple design atomic emission spectrometer combined with multivariate image analysis for the determination of sodium content in urine // Analytical Methods - 2017, Vol. 9, No. 21, pp. 3237-3243 [IF: 1.9, SJR: 0.504]
подробнее >> - 264. Shavykin O.V., Leermakers F.A., Neelov I.M., Darinskii A.A. Self-assembly of lysine-based dendritic surfactants modeled by the self-consistent field approach // Langmuir - 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1613–1626 [IF: 3.833, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 263. Khaydukova M.M., Medina-Plaza C., Rodriguez-Mendez M.L., Panchuk V.V., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Multivariate calibration transfer between two different types of multisensor systems // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 246, pp. 994-1000 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 262. Nandy Chatterjee T., Banerjee Roy R., Tudu B., Pramanik P.K., Deka H., Tamuly P., Bandyopadhyay R. Detection of theaflavins in black tea using a molecular imprinted polyacrylamide-graphite nanocomposite electrode // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 246, pp. 840-847 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 261. Grigorev R.O., Kuzikova A.V., Demchenko P.S., Senyuk A., Svechkova A., Khamid A., Zakharenko A., Khodzitskiy M. Investigation of Fresh Gastric Normal and Cancer Tissues Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy // Materials - 2020, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 85 [IF: 2.654, SJR: 0.565]
подробнее >> - 260. Sitnikova V.E., Kotkova M.A., Nosenko T.N., Kotkova T.N., Martynova D.M., Uspenskaya M.V. Breast cancer detection by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of blood serum and multivariate data-analysis // Talanta - 2020, Vol. 214, pp. 120857 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 259. Ghatak B., Ali S.B., Prasad A., Ghosh A., Sharma P., Tudu B., Pramanik P., Bandyopadhyay R. Application of Polymethacrylic Acid Imprinted Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor for Detection of 3-Carene in Mango // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 2697-2704 [IF: 2.512, SJR: 1.084]
подробнее >> - 258. Lebedeva I.O., Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Theory of Linear-Dendritic Block Copolymer Micelles // ACS Macro Letters - 2018, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 42-46 [IF: 6.185, SJR: 1.491]
подробнее >> - 257. Voitechovic E., Korepanov A., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Quantification of immobilized protein in pharmaceutical production by bio-assisted potentiometric multisensor system // Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis - 2018, Vol. 150, pp. 67-71 [IF: 3.255, SJR: 0.584]
подробнее >> - 256. Usoltsev D., Sitnikova V., Kajava A.V., Uspenskaya M.V. Systematic FTIR Spectroscopy Study of the Secondary Structure Changes in Human Serum Albumin under Various Denaturation Conditions // Biomolecules - 2019, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 359 [SJR: 1.179]
подробнее >> - 255. Olekhnovich R.О., Sitnikova V.E., Chereneva S.V., Volkova K.V., Belukhichev E.V. Study of the kinetics of thermal degradation of polymer composites based on polyvinylchloride film and biopolymer filler // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 4.1, pp. 651-658 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 254. Glazacheva E.N., Uspenskii A.B., Voronova A.A., Uspenskaya M.V., Snetkov P.P. Functional medical materials based on biopolymers: preparation and investigation of structure and physico-chemical properties // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 6.1, pp. 219-226 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 253. Toropova A.P., Uspenskaia T.E., Fokina M.I., Smekhov A. Edible gelatin holograms // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6.1, pp. 675-682 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 252. Banerjee M.B., Roy R.B., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R., Bhattacharyya N. Black tea classification employing feature fusion of E-Nose and E-Tongue responses // Journal of Food Engineering - 2019, Vol. 244, pp. 55-63 [IF: 3.099, SJR: 1.158]
подробнее >> - 251. Uspenskii A., Slobodov A., Ralys R., Evdokimov A., Samujlova E. Thermodynamic modelling and optimization of phase-chemical natural and industrial processes // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 42, pp. 635-642 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 250. Sibirtsev V.S., Olekhnovich R.О., Samuylova E.О. Assessment of integral toxicity of water resources by instrumental methods of analysis // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 61, pp. 507-514 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 249. Matveev V.V., Markelov D.A., Dvinskikh S.V., Shishkin A.N., Tyutyukin K.V., Penkova A.V., Tatarinova E.A., Ignat'Eva G.M., Milenin S.A. Investigation of Melts of Polybutylcarbosilane Dendrimers by 1H NMR Spectroscopy // Scientific Reports - 2017, Vol. 7, pp. 13710 [IF: 4.259, SJR: 0.9]
подробнее >> - 248. Samuilova E.O., Sitnikova V.E., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskaya M.V. Studying the Collapse of Bentonite-Containing Composites Based on Acrylic Copolymers // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A - 2018, Vol. 92, No. 8, pp. 1602-1608 [IF: 0.581]
подробнее >> - 247. Usoltsev D., Sitnikova V.E., Kajava A.V., Uspenskaya M.V. FTIR Spectroscopy Study of the Secondary Structure Changes in Human Serum Albumin and Trypsin under Neutral Salts // Biomolecules - 2020, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 606 [SJR: 1.179]
подробнее >> - 246. Nastulyavichus A.A., Saraeva I.N., Rudenko A.A., Khmelnitskii R.A., Shakhmin A.L., Kirilenko D., Brunkov P.N., Melnik N.N., Smirnov N.A., Ionin A.A., Kudryashov S.I. Multifunctional Sulfur-Hyperdoped Silicon Nanoparticles with Engineered Mid-Infrared Sulfur-Impurity and Free-Carrier Absorption // Particle and Particle Systems Characterization - 2020, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 2000010 [IF: 4.474, SJR: 0.598]
подробнее >> - 245. Denisyuk I.Y., Ignatieva Y.A., Uspenskaya M.V., Fokina M.I. A Nanocomposite Optosensor of Lead Ions in Water // Optics and spectroscopy - 2019, Vol. 126, No. 6, pp. 671-673 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 244. Plotnikova L.V., Polyanichko A.M., Kobeleva M.O., Nikekhin A.A., Uspenskaya M.V., Kayava A.V., Garifullin A.D., Voloshin S.V. Analysis of Blood Serum by the Method of Refractometry in Antitumor Therapy in Patients with Multiple Myeloma // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 140-142 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 243. Baidakova M.V., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskaya M.V. Preparation and properties of acrylic composites based on protein filler "BIOSTIM" // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 32, pp. 499-506 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 242. Neelov I., Khamidova D., Popova E.V., Komilov F. Computer Simulation of Interaction of Lysine Dendrimer with Stack of Amyloid Peptides // Proceedings - 2017 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry, MCSI 2017 - 2018, Vol. 2018, pp. 183-188
подробнее >> - 241. Khamidova D.N., Bezrodnyi V.V., Popova A., Mikhtaniuk S.E., Neelov I.M., Popova E.V. Molecular dynamics simulation of complexes of lysine dendrimer and dendrigraft with AENG tetrapeptide // International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering - 2018, Vol. 12, pp. 45-58
подробнее >> - 240. Markelov D.A., Falkovich S.G., Neelov I.M., Ilyash M.Y., Matveev V.V., Lahderanta E., Matveev V.V., Falkovich S., Lahderanta E.M., Ingman P., Darinskii A.A. Molecular dynamics simulation of spin-lattice NMR relaxation in poly-L-lysine dendrimers: Manifestation of the semiflexibility effect // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2015, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 3214-3226 [IF: 4.123, SJR: 0.721]
подробнее >> - 239. Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Wang P., Ha D., Wan H., He J., Vlasov Y.G., Legin A.V. Determination of the toxicity of herb preparations of the traditional Chinese medicine with a multisensor system // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry - 2015, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 72-81 [IF: 0.375, SJR: 0.205]
подробнее >> - 238. Vasiliev A.A., Sokolov A.V., Legin A.V., Samotaev N.N., Oblov K.Y., Kim V.P., Tkachev S.V., Gubin S.P., Potapov G.N., Kokhtina Y.V., Nisan A.V. Additive technologies for ceramic MEMS sensors // Procedia Engineering - 2015, Vol. 120, pp. 1087-1090 [SJR: 0.185]
подробнее >> - 237. Solovieva S., Karnaukh M., Panchuk V., Andreev E., Kartsova L., Bessonova E., Legin A., Wang P., Wan H., Jahatspanian I., Kirsanov D. Potentiometric multisensor system as a possible simple tool for non-invasive prostate cancer diagnostics through urine analysis // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 289, pp. 42-47 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 236. Panchuk V.V., Yaroshenko I.S., Legin A.V., Semenov V.G., Kirsanov D.O. Application of chemometric methods to XRF-data – A tutorial review // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2018, Vol. 1040, pp. 19-32 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 235. Ocana C., Abramova N., Bratov A., Lindfors T., Bobacka J. Calcium-selective electrodes based on photo-cured polyurethane-acrylate membranes covalently attached to methacrylate functionalized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) as solid-contact // Talanta - 2018, Vol. 186, pp. 279-285 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 234. Brosel-Oliu S., Abramova N., Uria N., Bratov A. Impedimetric transducers based on interdigitated electrode arrays for bacterial detection - A review // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2019, Vol. 1088, pp. 1-19 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 233. Burunkova J., Keki S., Veniaminov A.V., Nagy M., Daroczi L., Kokenyesi S. Influence of Gold Nanoparticles on the Luminescence of an Acrylated Isocyanonaphthalene Derivative // Advances in Condensed Matter Physics - 2019, pp. 8084659 [IF: 1.044, SJR: 0.254]
подробнее >> - 232. Gredyukhina I.V., Plotnikova L., Balbekin N.S., Kulya M.S., Petrov N.V., Nechiporenko A.P., Uspenskaya M.V. Influence of the degree of neutralization of acrylic acid and cross-linking agent on optical properties and swelling of sodium polyacrylate // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 877–879 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 231. Kaminskii A., Manomenova V., Rudneva E., Sorokina N., Grebenev V., Kozlova N., Angeluts A., Ozheredov I.A., Solyankin P., Denisyuk I.Y., Fokina M.I., Zulina N.A., Shkurinov A., Voloshin A. The Growth and Properties of Guanylurea Hydrogen Phosphite Crystal // Crystallography Reports - 2019, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 669-677 [IF: 0.563, SJR: 0.174]
подробнее >> - 230. Zulina N.A., Achor U.S., Kniazev K.I. Polymer composition influence on optical properties of laser-generated Au nanoparticles based nanocomposites // Semiconductors - 2018, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 583-586 [IF: 0.602, SJR: 0.173]
подробнее >> - 229. Князев К.И., Якуненков Р.Е., Вирц Н.А., Фокина М.И., Набиуллина Р.Д., Торопов Н.А. Влияние локализованных плазмонов в тонких пленках серебра и золота на оптические свойства органических красителей в акрилатной полимерной матрице // Оптика и спектроскопия - 2018. - Т. 125. - № 4. - С. 556-559 [IF: 0.484]
подробнее >> - 228. Magna G., Di Natale C., Martinelli E. Self-Repairing classification algorithms for chemical sensor array // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 297, pp. 126721 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 227. Kaminskii A., Manomenova V., Rudneva E., Sorokina N., Grebenev V., Kozlova N., Angeluts A., Ozheredov I.A., Solyankin P., Denisyuk I.Y., Fokina M.I., Zulina N.A., Shkurinov A., Voloshin A. The Growth and Properties of Guanylurea Hydrogen Phosphite Crystal // Crystallography Reports - 2019, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 669-677 [IF: 0.563, SJR: 0.174]
подробнее >> - 226. Gorshkova R.M., Khalikov D., Slobodova D., Slobodov A.A. Mathematical modeling of protopectin decomposition under high temperatures and pressures // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1045, No. 1, pp. 012013 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 225. Nosenko T.N., Uspenskaya M.V., Fokina M.I., Sitnikova V.E., Denisyuk I.Y. IR spectroscopic study of polymeric composites filled with ZnO having antifungal properties // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 6.2, pp. 307-316 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 224. Lvova L.B., Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Di Natale C., Paolesse R., Legin A.V. Electronic tongue for brand uniformity control: A case study of apulian red wines recognition and defects evaluation // Sensors - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 2584 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 223. Rumyantsev A.M., Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Scaling Theory of Complex Coacervate Core Micelles // ACS Macro Letters - 2018, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 811-816 [IF: 6.185, SJR: 1.491]
подробнее >> - 222. Bejagam S., Fonari M., Averkiev B.B., Khrustalev V.N., Lindline J., Timofeeva T.V. Adducts of N-Heterocyclic Drugs, Niacin, Allopurinol, and Amiloride, with 2,4-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid Coformer // Crystal Growth and Design - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 4237–4245 [IF: 4.055, SJR: 0.649]
подробнее >> - 221. Sun Q., Tu J., Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D., Legin A., Wang P. Enzymatic determination of urinary citrate based on flow injection system using NUV spectroscopy and PLS regression // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017, Vol. 251, pp. 1050-1058 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 220. Borisov O.V., Zhulina E.B., Polotsky A.A., Leermakers F.A., Birshtein T. Interactions between brushes of root-tethered dendrons // Macromolecules - 2014, Vol. 47, No. 19, pp. 6932-6945 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 219. Podshivalov A.V., Bronnikov S., Zuev V.V., Jiamrungraksa J., Charuchinda S. Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane - urea microcapsules containing galangal essential oil: statistical analysis of encapsulation // Journal of Microencapsulation - 2013, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 198-203 [IF: 1.543, SJR: 0.511]
подробнее >> - 218. Polotsky A.A., Leermakers F.A., Birshtein T.M. Structure of Mixed Brushes Made of Arm-Grafted Polymer Stars and Linear Chains // Macromolecules - 2015, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 2263-2276 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 217. Uhlik F., Kosovan P., Limpouchova Z., Prochazka K., Borisov O.V., Leermakers F.A. Modeling of ionization and conformations of starlike weak polyelectrolytes // Macromolecules - 2014, Vol. 47, No. 12, pp. 4004-4016 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 216. Olekhnovich R.O., Glazacheva E.N., Uspenskii A.B., Slobodov A.A., Uspenskaia M.V. Investigation of hydrogel on the base the phosphorus-containing acrylic copolymer for use in agriculture // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2015 - 2015, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 207-214 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 215. Shavykin O.V., Neelov I.M., Darinskii A.A. Is the manifestation of the local dynamics in the spin-lattice NMR relaxation in dendrimers sensitive to excluded volume interactions? // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2016, Vol. 18, No. 35, pp. 24307-24317 [IF: 4.123, SJR: 0.721]
подробнее >> - 214. Sinitsin A.N., Zuev V.V. Dielectric relaxation of fulleroid materials filled PA 6 composites and the study of its mechanical and tribological performance // Materials Chemistry and Physics - 2016, Vol. 176, pp. 152–160 [IF: 2.084, SJR: 0.769]
подробнее >> - 213. Lvova L., Goncalves C.G., Petropoulos K., Micheli L., Volpe G., Kirsanov D., Legin A., Viaggiu E., Congestri R., Guzzella L., Pozzoni F., Palleschi G., Di Natale C., Paolesse R. Electronic tongue for microcystin screening in waters // Biosensors and Bioelectronics - 2016, Vol. 80, pp. 154-160 [IF: 7.78, SJR: 2.052]
подробнее >> - 212. Penkova A.V., Dmitrenko M.E., Sokolova M.P., Chen B., Plisko T.V., Markelov D.A., Ermakov S.S. Impact of fullerene loading on the structure and transport properties of polysulfone mixed-matrix membranes // Journal of Materials Science - 2016, Vol. 51, No. 16, pp. 7652-7659 [IF: 2.599, SJR: 0.781]
подробнее >> - 211. Zuev V.V., Shapoval E.S., Sakhatskii A.S. Dielectric properties of polyamide 12-chromium(III) oxide nanocomposites // Chemical Physics Letters - 2016, Vol. 659, pp. 277-281 [IF: 1.815, SJR: 0.502]
подробнее >> - 210. Olekhnovich R.O., Volkova K.V., Uspenskii A.A., Slobodov A.A., Uspenskaya M.V. Mineral-containing hydrogels as sorbents for the purification of waste water // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016 - 2016, pp. 583-588 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 209. Volkova K.V., Uspenskaya M.V., Olekhnovich R.O., Ishevski A.L. Biodegradable polymer nanocomposite // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016 - 2016, pp. 47-54 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 208. Uspenskiy A., Slobodov A.A., Gavrilov A., Radin M., Dahno V. Nuclear power plants - thermodynamic approach for ecological problems of radiation and water chemistry // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016 - 2016, pp. 65-72 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 207. Plotnikova L., Polyanichko A.M., Nosenko T., Uspenskya M.V., Garifullin A., Voloshin S. Characterization of the infrared spectra of serum from patients with multiple myeloma // AIP Conference Proceedings - 2016, Vol. 1760, pp. 020052
подробнее >> - 206. Uspenskiy A., Slobodov A.A., Kremnev D., Sochagin A., Klepova A. Phase-chemical problems of technology optimization and cleaning - thermodynamic research and modeling // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016 - 2016, pp. 769-776 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 205. Oleneva E., Savosina J., Agafonova-Moroza M., Lumpov A.A., Babain V., Jahatspanian I., Legin A., Kirsanov D. Potentiometric multisensor system for tetra- and hexavalent actinide quantification in complex rare earth metal mixtures related to spent nuclear fuel reprocessing // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 288, pp. 155-162 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 204. Zhuk D., Burunkova J., Kaliabin V., Csarnovicsb I., Kokenyesi S. Optical recording in functional polymer nanocomposites by multi-beam interference holography // Proceedings of SPIE - 2017, Vol. 10233, pp. 102331Y [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 203. Guseva E.N., Sakhatskii A.S., Zuev V.V. Effect of surface nature of carbonaceous nanosized fillers on properties of polyurethane based nanocomposites // Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures - 2019, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 156-166 [IF: 1.35, SJR: 0.489]
подробнее >> - 202. Burunkova J.E., Zhuk D.I., Kaliabin V.O., Molnar S., Kokenyesi S. Peculiarities of holographic microfabrication of photonic structures in functional polymer nanocomposites // Optical Materials - 2019, Vol. 88, pp. 516-521 [IF: 2.238, SJR: 0.647]
подробнее >> - 201. Kotkova M.A., Sitnikova V.E., Nosenko T.N., Kotkova T., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskaya M.V. Spectroscopic Study of Blood Serum of Patients With Breast Cancer // 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) - 2018, pp. 657-659
подробнее >> - 200. Alyapyshev M.Y., Babain V.A., Tkachenko L., Kenf E., Voronaev I., Dar'In D., Matveev P., Petrov V., Kalmykov S., Ustynyuk Y. Extraction of actinides with heterocyclic dicarboxamides // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 316, No. 2, pp. 419-428 [IF: 1.282, SJR: 0.355]
подробнее >> - 199. Panchuk V.V., Semenov V.P., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O. Signal Smoothing with PLS Regression // Analytical Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 90, No. 9, pp. 5959-5964 [IF: 6.32, SJR: 1.621]
подробнее >> - 198. Ilyash M.Y., Bezrodnyi V.V., Fatullaev E.I., Mikhtaniuk S.E., Tarasenko I.I., Neelov I.M. Computer simulation of complexation of lysine dendrigraft of second generation with DS dipeptide molecules // International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering - 2019, Vol. 13, pp. 63-69
подробнее >> - 197. [IF: 3.411]
- 196. Mellelo E., Uspenskii A.B., Uspenskaya M.V., Pastukhova N.D. Development of a method for bioremediation water from oil products // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 5.1, pp. 245-250 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 195. Zhuzhel’Skii D.V., Tolstopjatova E.G., Kondrat’Eva N.E., Eliseeva S.N., Kondrat’Ev V.V. Effect of Electrode Material on Electrodeposition of Tungsten Oxide // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry - 2019, Vol. 92, No. 7, pp. 1006-1012 [IF: 0.375, SJR: 0.205]
подробнее >> - 194. Dovbeta М.А., Sitnikova V.Е., Ivanova А.I., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskya M.V. A pH-, salt- and solvent-responsive poly(Sodium acrylate)-co-acrylamid/pectin superabsorbent composite // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 51, pp. 23-30 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 193. Slobodov A.A., Uspenskiy A.A., Olekhnovich R.О., Evdokimov A., Kremnev D. Development of thermodynamic databases for research of multicomponent natural and technological systems and processes // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 42, pp. 199-206 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 192. Banerjee M.B., Roy R.B., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R., Bhattacharyya N. Cross-perception fusion model of electronic nose and electronic tongue for black tea classification // Communications in Computer and Information Science - 2017, Vol. 775, pp. 407-415 [SJR: 0.203]
подробнее >> - 191. Uspenskaya M.V., Kopyltsova A.В., Tarasov B.Р., Volkova K.V. The problems of oil pollution control in the laboratory and in the flow // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 14, pp. 957-963 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 190. Baidakova M.V., Uspenskaya M.V., Denisov T.S., Kunakova A.M., Voronov V.S. Properties of acrylic composites depending on crosslinking degree and protein filler content // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, No. 3.2, pp. 333-340 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 189. Pham L.Q., Uspenskaya M.V. Morphology PVC nanofiber, produced by electrospinning method // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6.1, pp. 289-295 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 188. Sitnikova V.E., Uspenskaya M.V., Chereneva S.V., Samuylova E.О., Nosenko T.N. Thermal properties of polymer composites based on polyvinylchloride film and biopolymer filler // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 5.1, pp. 987-994 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 187. Sitnikova V.E., Nosenko T.N., Uspenskaya M., Olekhnovich P. Multivariate Analysis for Diagnostic of Type II Diabetes Mellitus // 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) - 2018, pp. 642-646
подробнее >> - 186. Kotkova M.A., Sitnikova V.E., Nosenko T.N., Kotkova T., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskaya M.V. Spectroscopic Study of Blood Serum of Patients With Breast Cancer // 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) - 2018, pp. 657-659
подробнее >> - 185. Glazacheva E., Mellelo E., Uspenskaya M. Method of removing oil products from water // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 31, pp. 609-616 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 184. Gredyukhina I.V., Plotnikova L., Balbekin N.S., Kulya M.S., Petrov N.V., Nechiporenko A.P., Uspenskaya M.V. Influence of the degree of neutralization of acrylic acid and cross-linking agent on optical properties and swelling of sodium polyacrylate // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 877–879 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 183. Falkovich S.G., Markelov D.A., Neelov I.M., Darinskii A.A. Are structural properties of dendrimers sensitive to the symmetry of branching? Computer simulation of lysine dendrimers // Journal of Chemical Physics - 2013, Vol. 139, No. 6, pp. 064903 [IF: 2.965, SJR: 1.101]
подробнее >> - 182. Magna G., Di Natale C., Martinelli E. Self-Repairing classification algorithms for chemical sensor array // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 297, pp. 126721 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 181. Lvova L.B., Yaroshenko I.S., Kirsanov D.O., Di Natale C., Paolesse R., Legin A.V. Electronic tongue for brand uniformity control: A case study of apulian red wines recognition and defects evaluation // Sensors - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 2584 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 180. Uria N., Moral-Vico J., Abramova N., Bratov A.V., Munoz F.X. Fast determination of viable bacterial cells in milk samples using impedimetric sensor and a novel calibration method // Electrochimica Acta - 2016, Vol. 198, pp. 249-258 [IF: 4.798, SJR: 1.159]
подробнее >> - 179. Hoyos-Nogues M., Brosel-Oliu S., Abramova N., Munoz F.X., Bratov A.V., Mas-Moruno C., Gil F. Impedimetric antimicrobial peptide-based sensor for the early detection of periodontopathogenic bacteria // Biosensors and Bioelectronics - 2016, Vol. 86, pp. 377-385 [IF: 7.78, SJR: 2.052]
подробнее >> - 178. Oleneva E., Savosina J., Agafonova-Moroza M., Lumpov A.A., Babain V., Jahatspanian I., Legin A., Kirsanov D. Potentiometric multisensor system for tetra- and hexavalent actinide quantification in complex rare earth metal mixtures related to spent nuclear fuel reprocessing // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 288, pp. 155-162 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 177. Kirsanov D.O., Rudnitskaya A., Legin A.V., Babain V.A. UV-Vis spectroscopy with chemometric data treatment: an option for on-line control in nuclear industry // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - 2017, Vol. 312, No. 3, pp. 461-470 [IF: 1.282, SJR: 0.355]
подробнее >> - 176. Brosel-Oliu S., Galyamin D., Abramova N., Munoz-Pascual F., Bratov A. Impedimetric label-free sensor for specific bacteria endotoxin detection by surface charge registration // Electrochimica Acta - 2017, Vol. 243, pp. 142-151 [IF: 4.798, SJR: 1.159]
подробнее >> - 175. Debus B., Kirsanov D., Yaroshenko I., Legin A. A simple design atomic emission spectrometer combined with multivariate image analysis for the determination of sodium content in urine // Analytical Methods - 2017, Vol. 9, No. 21, pp. 3237-3243 [IF: 1.9, SJR: 0.504]
подробнее >> - 174. Panchuk V.V., Kirsanov D.O., Oleneva E., Semenov V.G., Legin A.V. Calibration transfer between different analytical methods // Talanta - 2017, Vol. 170, pp. 457-463 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 173. Kalyabin V.O., Fokina M.I., Zulina N.A. IR spectroscopy of organic co-crystals of 4-nitrophenol with 2-aminopyridine and 2,6-diaminopyridine // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 269-273 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 172. Pogosian T.N., Denisyuk I.Y., Lai N. The influence of dimensional parameters of DAST nanocrystals on their linear and nonlinear optical parameters // Optics and spectroscopy - 2019, Vol. 126, No. 3, pp. 262-264 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 171. Denisyuk I.Y., Ozheredov I., Sinko A., Fokina M., Pogosian T., Ignateva I., Diep Lai N., Ledoux-Rak I. Optical properties of photobleached DAST molecular crystals in terahertz domain // Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves - 2020, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 1082-1088 [IF: 2.54, SJR: 0.495]
подробнее >> - 170. Kniazev K.I., Yakunenkov R.E., Zulina N.A., Fokina M.I., Nabiullina R.D., Toropov N.A. The Effect of Localized Plasmons in Silver and Gold Thin Films on the Optical Properties of Organic Dyes in an Acrylate Polymer Matrix // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 578-581 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 169. Samuilova E.O., Sitnikova V.E., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskaya M.V. Studying the Collapse of Bentonite-Containing Composites Based on Acrylic Copolymers // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A - 2018, Vol. 92, No. 8, pp. 1602-1608 [IF: 0.581]
подробнее >> - 168. Vasiliev A.A., Varfolomeev A.E., Volkov I.A., Simonenko N.P., Arsenov P.V., Vlasov I.S., Ivanov V.V., Pislyakov A.V., Lagutin A.S., Jahatspanian I.E., Maeder T. Reducing humidity response of gas sensors for medical applications: Use of spark discharge synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles // Sensors - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 2600 [IF: 2.677, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 167. Acquah S., Penkova A.V., Markelov D.A., Semisalova A.S., Leonhardt B., Magi J. Review-The Beautiful Molecule: 30 Years of C-60 and Its Derivatives // ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology - 2017, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. M3155-M3162 [IF: 1.787, SJR: 0.416]
подробнее >> - 166. Roche D.B., Villain E., Kajava A.V. Usage of a dataset of NMR resolved protein structures to test aggregation versus solubility prediction algorithms // Protein Science - 2017, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 1864-1869 [IF: 2.523, SJR: 4.419]
подробнее >> - 165.
подробнее >> - 164. Steinschulte A.A., Schulte B., Rutten S., Eckert T., Okuda J., Moller M., Schneider S., Borisov O.V., Plamper F.A. Effects of architecture on the stability of thermosensitive unimolecular micelles // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2014, Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 4917-4932 [IF: 4.123, SJR: 0.721]
подробнее >> - 163. Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Effect of block copolymer architecture on morphology of self-assembled aggregates in solution // ACS Macro Letters - 2013, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 292–295 [IF: 6.185, SJR: 1.491]
подробнее >> - 162. Polotsky A.A., Plamper F.A., Borisov O.V. Collapse-to-swelling transitions in ph- and thermoresponsive microgels in aqueous dispersions: The thermodynamic theory // Macromolecules - 2013, Vol. 46, No. 21, pp. 8702-8709 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 161. Shapoval E., Zuev V.V. Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Polyamide 12 Filled with Nickel and Copper Nanoparticles // AIP Conference Proceedings - 2014, Vol. 1599, pp. 450-452
подробнее >> - 160. Guimera A., Gabriel G., Prats-Alfonso E., Abramova N.I., Bratov A.V., Villa R. Effect of surface conductivity on the sensitivity of interdigitated impedimetric sensors and their design considerations // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2015, Vol. 207, No. Part B, pp. 1010-1018 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 159. Polotsky A.A., Misorin A.K., Zhulina E.B., Birshtein T.M. Star brushes under deformation: Structure and thermodynamics // Macromolecular Symposia - 2015, Vol. 348, No. 1, pp. 33-43 [SJR: 0.215]
подробнее >> - 158. Pein M.K., Kirsanov D.O., Ciosek P., Del Valle M.D., Yaroshenko I.S., Wesoly M., Zabadaj M., Gonzalez-Calabuig A., Wroblewski W., Legin A.V. Independent comparison study of six different electronic tongues applied for pharmaceutical analysis // Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis - 2015, Vol. 114, pp. 321-329 [IF: 3.255, SJR: 0.584]
подробнее >> - 157. Mokeev M.V., Zuev V.V. Rigid phase domain sizes determination for poly(urethane-urea)s by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Correlation with mechanical properties // European Polymer Journal - 2015, Vol. 71, pp. 372-379 [IF: 3.531, SJR: 0.982]
подробнее >> - 156. Oblov K.Y., Ivanova A.V., Soloviev S.A., Samotaev N.N., Vasiliev A.A., Sokolov A.G., Pisliakov A.V. Fabrication of microhotplate by selective laser sintering of micropowder for thermal conductivity measuring sensors // Procedia Engineering - 2015, Vol. 120, pp. 736-739 [SJR: 0.185]
подробнее >> - 155. Uria N., Abramova N., Bratov A.V., Munoz-Pascual F.X., Baldrich E. Miniaturized metal oxide pH sensors for bacteria detection // Talanta - 2016, Vol. 147, pp. 364-369 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 154. Leermakers F.A., Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Interaction forces and lubrication of dendronized surfaces // Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science - 2017, Vol. 27, pp. 50-56 [IF: 6.136, SJR: 1.454]
подробнее >> - 153. Olekhnovich R.O., Baidakova M.V., Uspenskii A.B., Slobodov A.A., Uspenskaya M.V. Phosphorus-containing hydrogel for use in agriculture // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016 - 2016, pp. 249-256 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 152. Vokueva V.N., Ishevskii A.L. Individual Product Code as a tool of control quality and management of technological processes of meat products // Agronomy Research - 2019, pp. in press [SJR: 0.241]
- 151. Khamidova D.N., Bezrodnyi V.V., Popova A., Mikhtaniuk S.E., Neelov I.M., Popova E.V. Molecular dynamics simulation of complexes of lysine dendrimer and dendrigraft with AENG tetrapeptide // International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering - 2018, Vol. 12, pp. 45-58
подробнее >> - 150. Sitnikova V.E., Uspenskaya M.V., Chereneva S.V., Samuylova E.О., Nosenko T.N. Thermal properties of polymer composites based on polyvinylchloride film and biopolymer filler // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 5.1, pp. 987-994 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 149. Zakharova M., Uspenskya M.V., Podshivalov A.V., Davydov I.A., Ishevskii A.L. Effect of the drying rate of the film-forming solution on the physical properties of edible films based on potato starch/gelatin matrices // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 4.1, pp. 687-694 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 148. Ray H., Bhattacharyya N., Ghosh A., Ghosh A., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R. Age Analysis of Jasmine Concrete Using Electronic Nose // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 3814-3821 [IF: 2.512, SJR: 1.084]
подробнее >> - 147. Zhulina E.B., Leermakers F.A., Borisov O.V. Structure and lubrication of solvent-free dendron brushes // Polymer - 2017, Vol. 120, pp. 223-235 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 146. Sobeshchuk N.O., Denisyuk I.Y. Up-Conversion in an Er-Containing Nanocomposite and Microlasers Based on It // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 1005-1007 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 145. Makrlik E., Vanura P., Selucky P., Babain V.A., Alyapyshev M.Y., Dar’In D.V. Highly Efficient Solvent Extraction of Americium and Europium by Using Hydrogen Dicarbollylcobaltate and N,N'-Diethyl-N,N'-bis(4-ethylphenyl)-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxamide // Journal of Solution Chemistry - 2017, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 1475–1489 [IF: 1.342, SJR: 0.298]
подробнее >> - 144. Dolgushev M., Schnell S., Markelov D.A. Local NMR Relaxation of Dendrimers in the Presence of Hydrodynamic Interactions // Applied Magnetic Resonance - 2017, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 657-671 [IF: 0.864, SJR: 0.272]
подробнее >> - 143. Burunkova J.E., Ohoueu M.J., Csarnovics I., Veres M., Bonyar A., Kokenyesi S. Peculiarities of interaction of gold nanoparticles with photoinitiators in polymer nanocomposites for holographic recording // Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 359, pp. 111-120 [IF: 2.625, SJR: 0.646]
подробнее >> - 142. Belikova V., Panchuk V.V., Legin E., Melenteva A., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Continuous monitoring of water quality at aeration plant with potentiometric sensor array // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 282, pp. 854-860 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 141. Ocana C., Abramova N., Bratov A., Lindfors T., Bobacka J. Calcium-selective electrodes based on photo-cured polyurethane-acrylate membranes covalently attached to methacrylate functionalized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) as solid-contact // Talanta - 2018, Vol. 186, pp. 279-285 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 140. Nechiporenko A.P., Melnikova M.I., Nechiporenko U.Y., Plotnikova L.V., Uspenskaya M.V. Optical properties of oil extracts and residues of medicinal and aromatic herbs // Известия вузов. Прикладная химия и биотехнология [Izvestiya vuzov-prikladnaya khimiya i biotekhnologiya] - 2018, Vol. 8, No. 4(27), pp. 6-12 Optical properties of oil extracts and residues of medicinal and aromatic herbs
подробнее >> - 139. Shavykin O.V., Mikhailov I.V., Darinskii A.A., Neelov I.M., Leermakers F.A. Effect of an asymmetry of branching on structural characteristics of dendrimers revealed by Brownian dynamics simulations // Polymer - 2018, Vol. 146, pp. 256-266 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 138. Sibirtsev V.S. Investigation of mechanisms of change in spectral properties during interaction of benzazole, indole, and phenanthridium compounds with DNA // Journal of Optical Technology - 2017, Vol. 84, No. 5, pp. 294-301 [IF: 0.299, SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 137. Alyapyshev M.Y., Babain V.A., Tkachenko L.I., Gurzhiy V.V., Zolotarev A.A., Ustynyuk Y.A., Gloriozov I.P., Lumpov A.A., Dar'In D.V., Paulenova A. Complexes of Uranyl Nitrate with 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxamides: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and DFT Study // Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie - 2017, Vol. 643, No. 9, pp. 585-592 [IF: 1.144, SJR: 0.274]
подробнее >> - 136. Шекланова Е.Б., Фокина М.И., Денисюк И.Ю. 3D защитный голографический элемент с криптографической информацией // Оптика и спектроскопия - 2018. - Т. 125. - № 4. - С. 541-543 [IF: 0.484]
подробнее >> - 135. Belukhichev E.V., Sitnikova V.E., Samuylova E.О., Uspenskaya M.V., Martynova D.M. Films based on a blend of PVC with copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate with 3-hydroxyhexanoate // Polymers - 2020, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 270 [IF: 3.364, SJR: 0.8]
подробнее >> - 134. Grebenchukov A.N., Azbite S.E., Zaitsev A.D., Khodzitsky M.K. Faraday effect control in graphene-dielectric structure by optical pumping // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - 2019, Vol. 472, pp. 25-28 [IF: 2.63, SJR: 0.522]
подробнее >> - 133. Ganeev A.A., Gubal A.R., Lukianov G.N., Arsenev A.I., Barchuk A.A., Dzhagatcpanian I.E., Gorbunov I.S., Rassadina A.A., Nemets V.M., Nefedov A.O., Korotetski B., Solovyev N.D., Iakovleva E., Ivanenko N.B., Kononov A.S., Sillanpaa M., Seeger T. Analysis of exhaled air for early-stage diagnosis of lung cancer: opportunities and challenges // Russian Chemical Reviews - 2018, Vol. 87, No. 9, pp. 904-921 [IF: 4.058, SJR: 0.89]
подробнее >> - 132. Morozkina S.N., Uspenskaya M., Tyanutova M., Zolotukhina T. Mechanochemistry approaches for ketoprofen efficacy improvement // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6.1, pp. 791-796 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 131. Vollova K., Uspenskaya M., Sivtsov E., Belukhichev E. The study of polymer composites based on polyvinylchloride film and biopolymer filler // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 41, pp. 225-230 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 130. Baidakova M.V., Olekhnovich R.О., Uspenskaya M.V. Preparation and properties of acrylic composites based on protein filler "BIOSTIM" // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 32, pp. 499-506 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 129. Brosel-Oliu S., Ferreira R., Uria N., Abramova N., Gargallo R., Munoz-Pascual F., Bratov A. Novel impedimetric aptasensor for label-free detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2018, Vol. 255, No. Part.3, pp. 2988-2995 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 128. Denisyuk I.Y., Vasilyeva N., Fokina M.I., Burunkova J.E., Uspenskaya M., Zulina N.A., Bogomolova T., Vybornova I., Orishak E. Bacteria- and Fungicidal Action of Ag, Au, ZnO, SiO2 Nanoparticles in Presence of Carboxylic Acid in Polymer Matrix // Journal of Bionanosciencе - 2017, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 370-375 [SJR: 0.166]
подробнее >> - 127. Sibirtsev V.S., Uspenskaya M.V., Garababadgiu A.V., Shvets V.I. An Integrated Method of Instrumental Microbiotesting of Environmental Safety of Various Products, Wastes, and Territories // Doklady Biological Sciences - 2019, Vol. 485, No. 1, pp. 59-61 [SJR: 0.223]
подробнее >> - 126. Snetkov P.P., Uspenskaia T.E., Uspenskaya M.V., Rzametov K.S. Effect of technological parameters on electrospinnability of water-organic solutions of hyaluronic acid // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6.1, pp. 175-182 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 125. Sheveleva N.N., Markelov D.A., Vovk M.A., Mikhailova M.E., Tarasenko I.I., Neelov I.M., Lahderanta E. NMR studies of excluded volume interactions in peptide dendrimers // Scientific Reports - 2018, Vol. 8, pp. 8916 [IF: 4.259, SJR: 0.9]
подробнее >> - 124. Shavykin O.V., Neelov I.M., Darinskii A.A. Is the manifestation of the local dynamics in the spin-lattice NMR relaxation in dendrimers sensitive to excluded volume interactions? // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2016, Vol. 18, No. 35, pp. 24307-24317 [IF: 4.123, SJR: 0.721]
подробнее >> - 123. Neelov I., Popova E. Interaction of Lysine Dendrigraft of 2nd Generation and Semax Peptide. Molecular Dynamics Simulation // International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Optimization (ICCAIRO) - 2017, pp. 182-186
подробнее >> - 122. Sivalingam Y., Pudi R., Lvova L.B., Pomarico G., Legin A.V., Paolesse R., Di Natale K. The light modulation of the interaction of l-cysteine with porphyrins coated ZnO nanorods // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2015, Vol. 209, pp. 613-621 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 121. Yaroshenko I.S., Kartsova L.A. Determination of markers of the urinary stone disease // Journal of Analytical Chemistry - 2015, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 546-551 [IF: 0.723, SJR: 0.242]
подробнее >> - 120. Pein M.K., Kirsanov D.O., Ciosek P., Del Valle M.D., Yaroshenko I.S., Wesoly M., Zabadaj M., Gonzalez-Calabuig A., Wroblewski W., Legin A.V. Independent comparison study of six different electronic tongues applied for pharmaceutical analysis // Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis - 2015, Vol. 114, pp. 321-329 [IF: 3.255, SJR: 0.584]
подробнее >> - 119. Vasiliev A.A., Pisliakov A.V., Sokolov A.V., Samotaev N.N., Soloviev S.A., Oblov K.Y., Guarnieri V., Lorenzelli L., Brunelli J., Maglione A., Lipilin A.S., Mozalev A.M., Legin A.V. Non-silicon MEMS platforms for gas sensors // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2016, Vol. 224, pp. 700-713 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 118. Uria N., Abramova N., Bratov A.V., Munoz-Pascual F.X., Baldrich E. Miniaturized metal oxide pH sensors for bacteria detection // Talanta - 2016, Vol. 147, pp. 364-369 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 117. Lvova L., Goncalves C.G., Petropoulos K., Micheli L., Volpe G., Kirsanov D., Legin A., Viaggiu E., Congestri R., Guzzella L., Pozzoni F., Palleschi G., Di Natale C., Paolesse R. Electronic tongue for microcystin screening in waters // Biosensors and Bioelectronics - 2016, Vol. 80, pp. 154-160 [IF: 7.78, SJR: 2.052]
подробнее >> - 116. D'Andrea A., Pomarico G., Nardis S., Paolesse R., Di Natale C., Lvova L.B. Chemical traffic light: A self-calibrating naked-eye sensor for fluoride // Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines - 2019, Vol. 23, No. 1-2, pp. 117-124 [IF: 1.043, SJR: 0.245]
подробнее >> - 115. Pomarico G., Mandoj F., Lvova L., Lippolis V., Fronczek F.R., Smith K.M., Di Natale C., Paolesse R. Joining Chromophores: a Porphyrin-BPI Fused System // European Journal of Organic Chemistry - 2019, No. 4, pp. 655-659 [IF: 2.834, SJR: 0.584]
подробнее >> - 114. Zulina N.A., Pavlovetc I.M., Baranov M.A., Kaliabin V.O., Denisyuk I.Y. Synthesis and optical properties study of nanocomposites based on AuNPs and AgNPs obtained by laser ablation in liquid monomer // Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing - 2017, Vol. 123, No. 1, pp. 39 [IF: 1.455, SJR: 0.446]
подробнее >> - 113. Zulina N.A., Baranov M.A., Kniazev K.I., Kaliabin V.O., Denisyuk I.Y., Achor S.U., Sitnikova V.E. Nonlinear absorption enhancement of AuNPs based polymer nanocomposites // Optics and Laser Technology - 2018, Vol. 103, pp. 396-400 [IF: 2.109, SJR: 0.878]
подробнее >> - 112. Gredyukhina I.V., Plotnikova L., Balbekin N.S., Kulya M.S., Petrov N.V., Nechiporenko A.P., Uspenskaya M.V. Influence of the degree of neutralization of acrylic acid and cross-linking agent on optical properties and swelling of sodium polyacrylate // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 877–879 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 111. Denisyuk I.Y., Vasilyeva N., Fokina M.I., Burunkova J.E., Uspenskaya M., Zulina N.A., Bogomolova T., Vybornova I., Orishak E. Bacteria- and Fungicidal Action of Ag, Au, ZnO, SiO2 Nanoparticles in Presence of Carboxylic Acid in Polymer Matrix // Journal of Bionanosciencе - 2017, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 370-375 [SJR: 0.166]
подробнее >> - 110. Zhuk D., Burunkova J., Kaliabin V., Csarnovicsb I., Kokenyesi S. Optical recording in functional polymer nanocomposites by multi-beam interference holography // Proceedings of SPIE - 2017, Vol. 10233, pp. 102331Y [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 109. Burunkova J.E., Ohoueu M.J., Csarnovics I., Veres M., Bonyar A., Kokenyesi S. Peculiarities of interaction of gold nanoparticles with photoinitiators in polymer nanocomposites for holographic recording // Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 359, pp. 111-120 [IF: 2.625, SJR: 0.646]
подробнее >> - 108. Birshtein T.M., Polotsky A.A., Glova A.D., Amoskov V.M., Mercurieva A.A., Nazarychev V.M., Lyulin S.V. How to fold back grafted chains in dipolar brushes // Polymer - 2018, Vol. 147, pp. 213-224 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 107. Podshivalov A., Besson F., Budtova T., Bronnikov S. Morphology and improved impact strength of cellulose acetate butyrate blended with polyethylene copolymer // Express Polymer Letters - 2018, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 856-866 [IF: 2.983, SJR: 0.496]
подробнее >> - 106. Kumar S.S., Ghosh A., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R. An equivalent electrical network of an electronic tongue: A case study with tea samples // ISOEN 2017 - ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, Proceedings - 2017, pp. 7968930
подробнее >> - 105. Ustynyuk Y.A., Borisova N.E., Babain V.A., Gloriozov I.P., Manuilov A.Y., Kalmykov S., Alyapyshev M.Y., Tkachenko L.I., Kenf E.V., Ustynyuk N.A. N,N'-Dialkyl-N,N'-diaryl-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxamides as donor ligands for separation of rare earth elements with a high and unusual selectivity. DFT computational and experimental studies // Chemical Communications - 2015, Vol. 51, No. 35, pp. 7466-7469 [IF: 6.319, SJR: 1.133]
подробнее >> - 104. Orlov Y.F., Maslov E.I., Belkina E.I. Solubilities of metal hydroxides // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry - 2013, Vol. 58, No. 11, pp. 1306-1314 [IF: 0.787, SJR: 0.316]
подробнее >> - 103. Huang R.H., Baxa U., Aldrian G., Ahmed A.B., Wall J.S., Mizuno N., Antztkin O., Steven A.C., Kajava A. Conformational Switching in PolyGln Amyloid Fibrils Resulting from a Single Amino Acid Insertion // Biophysical Journal - 2014, Vol. 106, No. 10, pp. 2134-2142 [IF: 3.656, SJR: 1.188]
подробнее >> - 102. Sharma P.K., Tudu B., Bhuyan L.P., Tamuly P., Bhattacharyya N., Bandyopadhyay R. Detection of Methyl Salicylate in Black Tea Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2016, Vol. 16, No. 13, pp. 5160-5166 [IF: 2.512, SJR: 1.084]
подробнее >> - 101. Kuprina E.E., Kirillov A.I., Ishevski A.L., Murashev S.V. Food supplement based on chitin with enhanced lipid-lowering and sorption properties // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives - 2015, Vol. 20, pp. 156-161 [SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 100. Pikhurov D.V., Zuev V.V. The effect of fullerene C60 on the dielectric behaviour of epoxy resin at low nanofiller loading // Chemical Physics Letters - 2014, Vol. 601, pp. 13-15 [IF: 1.815, SJR: 0.502]
подробнее >> - 99. Gerard T., Budtova T.V., Podshivalov A.V., Bronnikov S.V. Polylactide/poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) blends: Morphology and mechanical properties // Express Polymer Letters - 2014, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 609-617 [IF: 2.983, SJR: 0.496]
подробнее >> - 98. Pikhurov D.V., Zuev V.V. The Effect of Fullerene C60 on the Mechanical and Dielectrical Behavior of Epoxy Resins at Low Loading // AIP Conference Proceedings - 2014, Vol. 1599, pp. 453-456
подробнее >> - 97. Zhulina E.B., Amoskov V.M., Polotsky A.A., Birshtein T.M. Analytical self-consistent field model of arm-grafted starlike polymers in nonlinear elasticity regime // Polymer - 2014, Vol. 55, No. 20, pp. 5160-5167 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 96. Voitechovic E., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. An approach to potentiometric sensing of sugars: Baker's yeast assisted pH electrode // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2016, Vol. 225, pp. 209-212 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 95. Guseva E.N., Zuev V.V. Kinetics formation of nanostructure of polyurethanes in the presence of graphene // Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures - 2016, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 474-478 [IF: 1.35, SJR: 0.489]
подробнее >> - 94. Saha P., Ghorai S., Tudu B., Bandyopadhyay R., Bhattacharyya N. Tea Quality Prediction by Autoregressive Modeling of Electronic Tongue Signals // IEEE Sensors Journal - 2016, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 4470-4477 [IF: 2.512, SJR: 1.084]
подробнее >> - 93. Abramova N., Moral-Vico J., Soley J., Ocana C., Bratov A. Solid contact ion sensor with conducting polymer layer copolymerized with the ion-selective membrane for determination of calcium in blood serum // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2016, Vol. 943, pp. 50-57 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 92. Rud O., Borisov O., Kosovan P. Thermodynamic model for a reversible desalination cycle using weak polyelectrolyte hydrogels // Desalination - 2018, Vol. 442, pp. 32-43 [IF: 5.527, SJR: 1.521]
подробнее >> - 91. Solovieva S., Karnaukh M., Panchuk V., Andreev E., Kartsova L., Bessonova E., Legin A., Wang P., Wan H., Jahatspanian I., Kirsanov D. Potentiometric multisensor system as a possible simple tool for non-invasive prostate cancer diagnostics through urine analysis // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 289, pp. 42-47 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 90. Sibirtsev V.S., Uspenskaya M.V., Garababadgiu A.V., Shvets V.I. An Integrated Method of Instrumental Microbiotesting of Environmental Safety of Various Products, Wastes, and Territories // Doklady Biological Sciences - 2019, Vol. 485, No. 1, pp. 59-61 [SJR: 0.223]
подробнее >> - 89. Pogosian T.N., Denisyuk I.Y., Lai N. The influence of dimensional parameters of DAST nanocrystals on their linear and nonlinear optical parameters // Optics and spectroscopy - 2019, Vol. 126, No. 3, pp. 262-264 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 88. Brosel-Oliu S., Galyamin D., Abramova N., Munoz-Pascual F., Bratov A. Impedimetric label-free sensor for specific bacteria endotoxin detection by surface charge registration // Electrochimica Acta - 2017, Vol. 243, pp. 142-151 [IF: 4.798, SJR: 1.159]
подробнее >> - 87. Lebedeva I.O., Zhulina E.B., Borisov O.V. Self-consistent field theory of polyelectrolyte brushes with finite chain extensibility // Journal of Chemical Physics - 2017, Vol. 146, No. 21, pp. 214901 [IF: 2.965, SJR: 1.101]
подробнее >> - 86. Sitnikova V.E., Nosenko T.N., Uspenskaya M., Olekhnovich P. Multivariate Analysis for Diagnostic of Type II Diabetes Mellitus // 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) - 2018, pp. 642-646
подробнее >> - 85. Zhevaikin K.E., Denisyuk I.Y., Fokina M.I., Sitnikova V.E. Influence of Processes of Photobleaching on Spectral Characteristics of Organic Nonlinear Optical Co-crystal 26DAP4N // PHOTOPTICS 2019 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology - 2019, pp. 220-224
подробнее >> - 84. Oleneva E., Panchenko A.V., Khaydukova M., Gubareva E., Bibikova O., Artyushenko V., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O. In vivo and in vitro application of near-infrared fiber optic probe for Ehrlich carcinoma distinction: Towards the development of real-time tumor margins assessment tool // Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy - 2019, Vol. 213, pp. 12-18 [IF: 2.536, SJR: 0.653]
подробнее >> - 83. Alyapyshev M.Y., Babain V.A., Tkachenko L.I. Various flowsheets of actinides recovery with diamides of heterocyclic dicarboxylic acids // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - 2017, Vol. 312, No. 1, pp. 47–58 [IF: 1.282, SJR: 0.355]
подробнее >> - 82. Paladin L., Hirsh L., Piovesan D., Andrade-Navarro M.A., Kajava A.V., Tosatto S.C. RepeatsDB 2.0: Improved annotation, classification, search and visualization of repeat protein structures // Nucleic Acids Research - 2017, Vol. 45, No. D1, pp. D308-D312 [IF: 10.162, SJR: 7.048]
подробнее >> - 81. Uspensky A.A., Yavshits S., Lipin V., Zhigalov P., Slobodov A.A. On the synthesis atmosphere influence in the technology of complex composite materials in the wide temperature range // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2017, Vol. 175, No. 1, pp. 012018 [SJR: 0.249]
подробнее >> - 80. Kostromin S., Asandulesa M., Podshivalov A., Bronnikov S. Effect of rGO:MWCNTs ratio on electrical conductivity of polyazomethine/rGO:MWCNTs nanocomposites // Materials Research Express - 2019, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 115053 [IF: 1.068, SJR: 0.432]
подробнее >> - 79. Bronnikov S., Kostromin S., Asandulesa M., Pankin D., Podshivalov A. Interfacial interactions and interfacial polarization in polyazomethine/MWCNTs nanocomposites // Composites Science and Technology - 2020, Vol. 190, pp. 108049 [IF: 4.873, SJR: 1.8]
подробнее >> - 78. Uspenskaya M., Olekhnovich R. Effect orientation of PVC nanofibers on morphology and mechanical properties of nonwoven mats // Materials - 2019, pp. in press [IF: 2.654, SJR: 0.565]
- 77. Brosel-Oliu S., Mergel O., Uria N., Abramova N., Van Rijn P., Bratov A.V. 3D impedimetric sensors as a tool for monitoring bacterial response to antibiotics // Lab on a Chip - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1436-1447 [IF: 6.045, SJR: 1.246]
подробнее >> - 76. Soloviev V., Varnek A., Babain V., Polukeev V., Ashina J., Legin E., Legin A., Kirsanov D. QSPR modeling of potentiometric sensitivity towards heavy metal ions for polymeric membrane sensors // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 301, pp. 126941 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 75. Kushnir V., Gavrilov N., Shkotova T. Improvement of the Extruder Construction // Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering - 2019, pp. 2133-2142 [SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 74. Gredyukhina I.V., Plotnikova L., Balbekin N.S., Kulya M.S., Petrov N.V., Nechiporenko A.P., Uspenskaya M.V. Influence of the degree of neutralization of acrylic acid and cross-linking agent on optical properties and swelling of sodium polyacrylate // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 877–879 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 73. Sitnikova V.E., Kotkova M.A., Nosenko T.N., Kotkova T.N., Martynova D.M., Uspenskaya M.V. Breast cancer detection by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of blood serum and multivariate data-analysis // Talanta - 2020, Vol. 214, pp. 120857 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 72. Plotnikova L., Polyanichko A.M., Kobeleva M., Uspenskaya M., Garifullin A., Voloshin S. The influence of protein fractions and electrolyte imbalance on refractive index of serum in patients with multiple myeloma // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2017, Vol. 784, No. 1, pp. 012047 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 71. Kuprina E.E., Kirillov A.I., Ishevski A.L., Murashev S.V. Food supplement based on chitin with enhanced lipid-lowering and sorption properties // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives - 2015, Vol. 20, pp. 156-161 [SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 70. Neelov I., Bezrodnyi V., Marchenko A., Fatullaev E., Miktaniuk S. Computer simulation of complex of lysine dendrigraft with molecules of therapeutic KED peptide // ITM Web of Conferences - 2019, Vol. 24, pp. 02008
подробнее >> - 69. Panchuk V.V., Goydenko A., Grebenyuk A.V., Irkaev S.M., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O., Semenov V.G. Sample-in-waveguide geometry for TXRF sensitivity improvement // Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - 2017, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1224-1228 [IF: 3.379, SJR: 0.722]
подробнее >> - 68. Zadorozhnaya O., Kirsanov D., Buzhinsky I., Tsarev F., Abramova N., Bratov A., Munoz F.J., Ribo J., Bori J., Riva M.C., Legin A. Water pollution monitoring by an artificial sensory system performing in terms of Vibrio fischeri bacteria // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2015, Vol. 207, No. Part B, pp. 1069-1075 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 67. Boytsova T.A., Murzin A.A., Babain V.A., Lumpov A.A., Kretser U.L. 1,10-Phenantroline complex of iron(II) nitrate: the challenging salt for the technetium precipitation from nitric acid solutions // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry - 2015, Vol. 304, No. 1, pp. 273-279 [IF: 1.282, SJR: 0.355]
подробнее >> - 66. Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Ruckebusch C., Agafonova-Moroz M.S., Babain V.A., Lumpov A.A., Legin A.V. Restoring important process information from complex optical spectra with MCR-ALS: Case study of actinide reduction in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems - 2015, Vol. 146, pp. 241-249 [IF: 2.303, SJR: 0.667]
подробнее >> - 65. Alyapyshev M.Y., Ashina J., Dar'In D.V., Kenf E.V., Kirsanov D.O., Tkachenko L.I., Legin A.V., Starova G.L., Babain V.A. 1,10-Phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxamides as ligands for separation and sensing of hazardous metals // RSC Advances - 2016, Vol. 6, No. 73, pp. 68642-68652 [IF: 3.108, SJR: 0.715]
подробнее >> - 64. Rudnitskaya A., Schmidtke L.M., Reis A., Domingues M.R., Delgadillo I., Debus B., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Measurements of the effects of wine maceration with oak chips using an electronic tongue // Food Chemistry - 2017, Vol. 229, pp. 20-27 [IF: 4.529, SJR: 1.745]
подробнее >> - 63. Kande K.V., Kotak D.J., Degani M.S., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V., Devarajan P.V. Microwave-Assisted Development of Orally Disintegrating Tablets by Direct Compression // AAPS PharmSciTech - 2017, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 2055-2066 [IF: 2.451, SJR: 0.561]
подробнее >> - 62. Lvova L.B., Goncalves C.G., Di Natale C., Legin A.V., Kirsanov D.O., Paolesse R. Recent advances in magnesium assessment: From single selective sensors to multisensory approach // Talanta - 2018, Vol. 179, pp. 430-441 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 61. Ganeev A.A., Gubal A.R., Lukianov G.N., Arsenev A.I., Barchuk A.A., Dzhagatcpanian I.E., Gorbunov I.S., Rassadina A.A., Nemets V.M., Nefedov A.O., Korotetski B., Solovyev N.D., Iakovleva E., Ivanenko N.B., Kononov A.S., Sillanpaa M., Seeger T. Analysis of exhaled air for early-stage diagnosis of lung cancer: opportunities and challenges // Russian Chemical Reviews - 2018, Vol. 87, No. 9, pp. 904-921 [IF: 4.058, SJR: 0.89]
подробнее >> - 60. Soloviev V., Varnek A., Babain V., Polukeev V., Ashina J., Legin E., Legin A., Kirsanov D. QSPR modeling of potentiometric sensitivity towards heavy metal ions for polymeric membrane sensors // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 301, pp. 126941 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 59. Khaydukova M.M., Panchuk V.V., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Multivariate Calibration Transfer between two Potentiometric Multisensor Systems // Electroanalysis - 2017, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 2161-2166 [IF: 2.851, SJR: 0.466]
подробнее >> - 58. Khaydukova M.M., Kirsanov D.O., Pein-Hackelbusch M., Immohr L.I., Gilemkhanova V.D., Legin A.V. Critical view on drug dissolution in artificial saliva: A possible use of in-line e-tongue measurements // European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences - 2017, Vol. 99, pp. 266-271 [IF: 3.756, SJR: 0.752]
подробнее >> - 57. Toropova A.P., Santalina I.Y., Fokina M.I. Peculiarities of rainbow holograms application on the surface of the caramel // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1062, No. 1, pp. 012016 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 56. Esaulkov M.N., Fokina M.I., Zulina N.A., Timofeeva T.V., Shkurinov A., Denisiuk I.Y. Aminopyridines and 4-nitrophenol cocrystals for terahertz application // Optics and Laser Technology - 2018, Vol. 108, pp. 450-455 [IF: 2.109, SJR: 0.878]
подробнее >> - 55. Zulina N.A., Pavlovetc I.M., Baranov M.A., Kaliabin V.O., Denisyuk I.Y. Synthesis and optical properties study of nanocomposites based on AuNPs and AgNPs obtained by laser ablation in liquid monomer // Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing - 2017, Vol. 123, No. 1, pp. 39 [IF: 1.455, SJR: 0.446]
подробнее >> - 54. Pogosian T., Mai T.N., Denisyuk I., Lai N.D. Synthesis and nonlinear optics characterization of DAST submicron crystals in polymerized thin films // Proceedings of SPIE - 2018, Vol. 10681, pp. 106811A [SJR: 0.152]
подробнее >> - 53. Sobeshchuk N.O., Denisyuk I.Y. Up-Conversion in an Er-Containing Nanocomposite and Microlasers Based on It // Optics and spectroscopy - 2017, Vol. 122, No. 6, pp. 1005-1007 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 52. Kniazev K.I., Yakunenkov R.E., Zulina N.A., Fokina M.I., Nabiullina R.D. Rhodamine-B absorption and fluorescence enhancement in the near field of gold nanoparticles in an acrylate-based polymer matrix // Journal of Optical Technology - 2019, Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 21-24 [IF: 0.299, SJR: 0.167]
подробнее >> - 51. Samarov A.A., Smirnov M.A., Toikka А.М., Prikhodko I.V. Study of Deep Eutectic Solvent on the Base Choline Chloride as Entrainer for the Separation Alcohol-Ester Systems // Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data - 2018, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp. 1877-1884 [IF: 2.323, SJR: 0.567]
подробнее >> - 50. Esaulkov M.N., Fokina M.I., Zulina N.A., Timofeeva T.V., Shkurinov A., Denisiuk I.Y. Aminopyridines and 4-nitrophenol cocrystals for terahertz application // Optics and Laser Technology - 2018, Vol. 108, pp. 450-455 [IF: 2.109, SJR: 0.878]
подробнее >> - 49. Gorshkova R.M., Slobodova D., Uspensky A.A., Slobodov A.A. Influence of the parameters of hydrolysis-extraction high-temperature process on epyyield, physico-chemical and molecular mass characteristics of pectin substances // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1045, No. 1, pp. 012015 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 48. Lvova L.B., Guanais G.C., Prodi L., Sgarzi M., Zaccheroni N., Lombardo M., Legin A.V., Di Natale C., Paolesse R. Systematic approach in Mg2+ ions analysis with a combination of tailored fluorophore design // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2017, Vol. 988, pp. 96-103 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 47. Brosel-Oliu S., Abramova N.Y., Bratov A.V., Vigues N., Mas J., Munoz F.J. Sensitivity and Response Time of Polyethyleneimine Modified Impedimetric Transducer for Bacteria Detection // Electroanalysis - 2015, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 656-662 [IF: 2.851, SJR: 0.466]
подробнее >> - 46. Amirova A., Rodchenko S., Milenin S., Tatarinova E., Kurlykin M., Ten’Kovtsev A., Filippov A. Influence of a hydrophobic core on thermoresponsive behavior of dendrimer-based star-shaped poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) in aqueous solutions // Journal of Polymer Research - 2017, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 124 [IF: 1.615, SJR: 0.462]
подробнее >> - 45. Borisov O.V., Polotsky A.A., Rud O.V., Zhulina E.B., Leermakers F., Birshtein T. Dendron brushes and dendronized polymers: a theoretical outlook // Soft Matter - 2014, Vol. 10, No. 13, pp. 2093-2101 [IF: 3.889, SJR: 0.783]
подробнее >> - 44. Shlejkin A.G., Medvedev Y.V. Role of peroxidation and heme catalysis in coloration of raw meat // Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Technologia Alimentaria - 2014, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 123-127 [SJR: 0.373]
подробнее >> - 43. Panchuk V.V., Lvova L.B., Kirsanov D.O., Goncalves C.G., Di Natale C., Paolesse R., Legin A.V. Extending electronic tongue calibration lifetime through mathematical drift correction: Case study of microcystin toxicity analysis in waters // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2016, Vol. 237, pp. 962-968 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 42. [IF: 1.865, SJR: 0.769]
подробнее >> - 41. Markelov D.A., Dolgushev M., Gotlib Y.Y., Blumen A. NMR relaxation of the orientation of single segments in semiflexible dendrimers // Journal of Chemical Physics - 2014, Vol. 140, No. 24, pp. 244904 [IF: 2.965, SJR: 1.101]
подробнее >> - 40. Mikhailov I.V., Darinskii A.A. Does symmetry of branching affect the properties of dendrimers? // Polymer Science - Series A - 2014, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. Polymer Science - Series A [IF: 0.822, SJR: 0.224]
подробнее >> - 39. Zhulina E.B., Leermakers F.A., Borisov O.V. Theory of Brushes Formed by Psi-Shaped Macromolecules at Solid-Liquid Interfaces // Langmuir - 2015, Vol. 31, No. 23, pp. 6514-6522 [IF: 3.833, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 38. Vasiliev A.A., Pisliakov A.V., Sokolov A.V., Samotaev N.N., Soloviev S.A., Oblov K.Y., Guarnieri V., Lorenzelli L., Brunelli J., Maglione A., Lipilin A.S., Mozalev A.M., Legin A.V. Non-silicon MEMS platforms for gas sensors // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2016, Vol. 224, pp. 700-713 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 37. Bronnikov S., Podshivalov A.V., Kostromin S., Asandulesa M., Cozan V. Dielectric spectroscopy investigation on relaxation in polyazomethine/fullerene C60 nanocomposites // European Polymer Journal - 2016, Vol. 78, pp. 213–225 [IF: 3.531, SJR: 0.982]
подробнее >> - 36. Voitechovic E., Korepanov A., Kirsanov D., Jahatspanian I., Legin A. Bio-assisted potentiometric multisensor system for purity evaluation of recombinant protein // Talanta - 2016, Vol. 156-157, pp. 87-94 [IF: 4.162, SJR: 0.956]
подробнее >> - 35. Richard F.D., Alves R., Kajava A.V. Tally: a scoring tool for boundary determination between repetitive and non-repetitive protein sequences // Bioinformatics - 2016, Vol. 32, No. 13, pp. 1952-1958 [IF: 7.307, SJR: 2.574]
подробнее >> - 34. Cernochova Z., Bogomolova A., Borisova O., Filippov S.K., Cernoch P., Billon L., Borisov O.V., Stepanek P. Thermodynamics of the multi-stage self-assembly of pH-sensitive gradient copolymers in aqueous solutions // Soft Matter - 2016, Vol. 12, No. 32, pp. 6788-6798 [IF: 3.889, SJR: 0.783]
подробнее >> - 33. Marusina M.Y., Fedorov A.V., Prokhorovich V.E., Berkutov I.V., Bychenok V.A., Tkacheva N.V., Mayorov A.L. Development of acoustic methods of control of the stress-strain state of threaded connection // Measurement Techniques - 2018, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 297-302 [IF: 0.29, SJR: 0.252]
подробнее >> - 32. Gorshkova R.M., Khalikov D., Slobodova D.A., Uspensky A.B., Slobodov A.A. Physico-chemical and molecular-mass parameters of pectin polysaccharides obtained under high temperatures and pressures // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1045, No. 1, pp. 012014 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 31. Mikhailov I.V., Leermakers F.A., Borisov O.V., Zhulina E.B., Darinskii A.A., Birshtein T.M. Impact of Macromolecular Architecture on Bending Rigidity of Dendronized Surfaces // Macromolecules - 2018, Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 3315-3329 [IF: 5.835]
подробнее >> - 30. Zhevaikin K.E., Fokina M.I., Denisyuk I.Y. Refractometric Parameters of Nonlinear Optical Molecular Cocrystals Based on the Aminopyridine Series // Optics and spectroscopy - 2018, Vol. 124, No. 2, pp. 227-229 [IF: 0.716, SJR: 0.177]
подробнее >> - 29. Alekseeva M.S., Uspenskaia T.E., Balanov P.E., Smotraeva I.V., Fedorov A.V. Biotechnological and raw material aspects in the production of probiotic drink from wheat // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2019 - 2019, Vol. 19, No. 6.1, pp. 603-609 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 28. Mellelo E., Samuilova E.O., Denisov T.S., Martynova D.M., Olekhnovich R.O. Influence of the bentonite-containing acrylic humectant composite on the soil microflora // Agronomy Research - 2019, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1960-1968 [SJR: 0.241]
подробнее >> - 27. [SJR: 0.26]
подробнее >> - 26. Poutanen M., Guidetti G., Groschel T.I., Borisov O.V., Vignolini S., Ikkala O., Groeschel A.H. Block Copolymer Micelles for Photonic Fluids and Crystals // ACS Nano - 2018, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 3149-3158 [IF: 13.942, SJR: 4.593]
подробнее >> - 25. Grinberg E.E., Strelnikova I.E., Amelina А.Е., Levin Y.I. Glycolates and cellosolvates of metals as prospective materials for production of oxide powders and thin-film coatings // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research - 2017, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 21-26 [SJR: 0.22]
подробнее >> - 24. Samarov A.A., Smirnov M.A., Sokolova M.P., Popova E.N., Toikka А.М. Choline chloride based deep eutectic solvents as extraction media for separation of n-hexane-ethanol mixture // Fluid Phase Equilibria - 2017, Vol. 448, pp. 123-127 [IF: 2.473, SJR: 0.569]
подробнее >> - 23. Plotnikova L., Polyanichko A.M., Kobeleva M., Uspenskaya M., Garifullin A., Voloshin S. The influence of protein fractions and electrolyte imbalance on refractive index of serum in patients with multiple myeloma // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2017, Vol. 784, No. 1, pp. 012047 [SJR: 0.18]
подробнее >> - 22. Brosel-Oliu S., Abramova N., Uria N., Bratov A. Impedimetric transducers based on interdigitated electrode arrays for bacterial detection - A review // Analytica Chimica Acta - 2019, Vol. 1088, pp. 1-19 [IF: 4.712, SJR: 0.998]
подробнее >> - 21. Kande K.V., Kotak D.J., Degani M.S., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V., Devarajan P.V. Microwave-Assisted Development of Orally Disintegrating Tablets by Direct Compression // AAPS PharmSciTech - 2017, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 2055-2066 [IF: 2.451, SJR: 0.561]
подробнее >> - 20. Matveev V.V., Markelov D.A., Ievlev A.V., Brui E.A., Tyutyukin K.V., Lahderanta E. Molecular mobility in several imidazolium-based ionic liquids according to data of 1H and 13C NMR relaxation // Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 140-143 [IF: 1.601, SJR: 0.481]
подробнее >> - 19. Pikhurov D.V., Sakhatskii A.S., Zuev V.V. Rigid polyurethane foams with infused hydrophilic/hydrophobic nanoparticles: Relationship between cellular structure and physical properties // European Polymer Journal - 2018, Vol. 99, pp. 403-414 [IF: 3.531, SJR: 0.982]
подробнее >> - 18. Ishevskii A.L., Kuprina E.E., Kremenevskaya M.I., Sosnina O.A., Shkotova T.V., Iakkola A.N. The mathematical description of protein extraction from muscle tissue of hydrobionts and the effective molecular diffusion coefficient determination // Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal - 2018, pp. в печати [SJR: 0.169]
- 17. Pikhurov D.V., Zuev V.V. Kinetics of formation of microstructure in polyurethane foams infused with micro and nanosized carbonaceous fillers // Polymer Engineering and Science - 2019, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 941-948 [IF: 1.449, SJR: 0.56]
подробнее >> - 16. Borisova O.V., Billon L., Richter R.P., Reimhult E., Borisov O.V. PH- and Electro-Responsive Properties of Poly(acrylic acid) and Poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(acrylic acid-grad-styrene) Brushes Studied by Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring // Langmuir - 2015, Vol. 31, No. 27, pp. 7684-7694 [IF: 3.833, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 15. Uspenskaya M.V., Ignatyeva J.A., Kasanov K.N., Olekhnovich R.O., Strelnikova I.E. Wound dressing on the base of polymer nanocomposites // IECBES 2014, Conference Proceedings - 2014 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences - 2015, pp. 369-372
подробнее >> - 14. Nosenko T.N., Uspenskaya M.V., Fokina M.I., Sitnikova V.E., Denisyuk I.Y. IR spectroscopic study of polymeric composites filled with ZnO having antifungal properties // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM-2018 - 2018, Vol. 18, No. 6.2, pp. 307-316 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 13. Zakharova M., Uspenskaya M.V., Podshivalov A.A. The influence of the bentonite particles content on operating properties of gelatin/starch/glycerol/bentonite biocomposite films // 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017 - 2017, Vol. 17, No. 51, pp. 961-966 [SJR: 0.168]
подробнее >> - 12. Okrugin B.M., Ilyash M., Markelov D.A., Neelov I.M. Lysine dendrigraft nanocontainers. Influence of topology on their size and internal structure // Pharmaceutics - 2018, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 129 [SJR: 0.892]
подробнее >> - 11. Okrugin B.M., Richter R.P., Leermakers F.A., Neelov I.M., Borisov O.V., Zhulina E.B. Structure and properties of polydisperse polyelectrolyte brushes studied by self-consistent field theory // Soft Matter - 2018, Vol. 14, No. 30, pp. 6230-6242 [IF: 3.889, SJR: 0.783]
подробнее >> - 10. Okrugin B.M., Neelov I.M., Leermakers F.A., Borisov O.V. Structure of asymmetrical peptide dendrimers: Insights given by self-consistent field theory // Polymer - 2017, Vol. 125, pp. 292-302 [IF: 3.684, SJR: 0.829]
подробнее >> - 9. Yudin V.E., Dobrovolskaya I.P., Neelov I.M., Dresvyanina E.N., Popryadukhin P.V., Ivan’Kova E.M., Elokhovskii V.Y., Kasatkin I.A., Okrugin B.M., Morganti P. Wet spinning of fibers made of chitosan and chitin nanofibrils // Carbohydrate Polymers - 2014, Vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 176–182 [IF: 4.811, SJR: 1.831]
подробнее >> - 8. Shavykin O.V., Leermakers F.A., Neelov I.M., Darinskii A.A. Self-assembly of lysine-based dendritic surfactants modeled by the self-consistent field approach // Langmuir - 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1613–1626 [IF: 3.833, SJR: 0.786]
подробнее >> - 7. Guimera A., Gabriel G., Prats-Alfonso E., Abramova N.I., Bratov A.V., Villa R. Effect of surface conductivity on the sensitivity of interdigitated impedimetric sensors and their design considerations // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2015, Vol. 207, No. Part B, pp. 1010-1018 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 6. Voitechovic E., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. An approach to potentiometric sensing of sugars: Baker's yeast assisted pH electrode // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2016, Vol. 225, pp. 209-212 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 5. Belikova V., Panchuk V.V., Legin E., Melenteva A., Kirsanov D.O., Legin A.V. Continuous monitoring of water quality at aeration plant with potentiometric sensor array // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2019, Vol. 282, pp. 854-860 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 4. Gan Y., Hu N., He C., Zhou S., Tu J., Liang T., Pan Y., Kirsanov D., Legin A., Wan H., Wang P. MnO2 nanosheets as the biomimetic oxidase for rapid and sensitive oxalate detection combining with bionic E-eye // Biosensors and Bioelectronics - 2019, Vol. 130, pp. 254-261 [IF: 7.78, SJR: 2.052]
подробнее >> - 3. Kononov A., Korotetsky B.A., Jahatspanian I.E., Gubal A., Vasiliev A.A., Arsenjev A., Nefedov A., Barchuk A.A., Gorbunov I., Kozyrev K.V., Rassadina A.A., Iakovleva E., Sillanpaa M., Safaei Z., Ivanenko N., Stolyarova N., Chuchina V., Ganeev A.A. Online breath analysis using metal oxide semiconductor sensors (Electronic Nose) for diagnosis of lung cancer // Journal of Breath Research - 2020, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 016004 [IF: 4.318, SJR: 0.784]
подробнее >> - 2. Brosel-Oliu S., Ferreira R., Uria N., Abramova N., Gargallo R., Munoz-Pascual F., Bratov A. Novel impedimetric aptasensor for label-free detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 // Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2018, Vol. 255, No. Part.3, pp. 2988-2995 [IF: 5.401]
подробнее >> - 1. Князев К.И., Якуненков Р.Е., Вирц Н.А., Фокина М.И., Набиуллина Р.Д., Торопов Н.А. Влияние локализованных плазмонов в тонких пленках серебра и золота на оптические свойства органических красителей в акрилатной полимерной матрице // Оптика и спектроскопия - 2018. - Т. 125. - № 4. - С. 556-559 [IF: 0.484]
подробнее >>